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The correct way?


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Let me explain first - when we collected Harvey we were told to mix the pellets, seed mix and veg together. This I have done for the last few months. I fee though that pellets go soggy and to get to the seeds he'll just turf out the veggies to get there.


So, I've tried a different tact - I have given him seed and pellets first and then added veg later (this is all on his playstand, not in his cage).


This works well when we're at home - but what about when he's in his cage when we're at work? Would it be okay to put veg in one dish and pellet/seed mix in another?


I'd be very grateful for your ideas - I obviously want Harvey to receive all of the goodness/vitamins/tastiness he can - but really want to know how best to "serve" them to him. Thanks in advance. :)

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Thats what I do Jill, Josey has her bowl for pellets that I keep some in at all times for she will snack on them all day long. I have separate bowls for seed, nuts and other dry type foods and another bowl for veggies and other wet type foods.


I have never mixed her pellets with anything else, they do get soggy if you put any type of wet food with them and then they go sour. Her cage came with 3 bowls, I use one for water, one for her seeds and nut mix and one for veggies and such. I had to add another bowl for pellets and I keep that bowl with some pellets in it 24/7.

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Well, today I experimented! On his playstand I gave him a bowl of pellets and seeds for a bit - then swapped after a while and gave him veggies - he chomped up the broccoli like nobody's business! I've never seen him so interested in anything that wasn't a sunflower seed!


I think I'll do this and put them in separate bowls to see what happens - his cage has got three bowls (one obviously that I put water in) so for the short amount of time he spends in it - I'll give this a go! Thanks very much :)

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In our home there are 3 bowls in each cage. The pellets are in a bowl by themselves. One bowl contains water and the third bowl is for any type of wet food and seeds. The wet food may consist of cooked or raw vegetables, mash, fruits, natural unsalted rice cakes etc.


There is a 4th bowl too but it contains foot toys.



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Well, yesterday was his first day in the cage for ages (rare that we were all out but we were). I came in and his seed/pellet bowl had been chewed at, but the veggies were COMPLETELY empty - looked like they had been licked clean!


Then I looked on the cage floor - he's just hoofed them out of the bowl and onto the bottom! So, I don't think any are being eaten this way. Grrrrrr! :dry:

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JillyBeanz wrote:

but the veggies were COMPLETELY empty - looked like they had been licked clean!

Then I looked on the cage floor - he's just hoofed them out of the bowl and onto the bottom! So, I don't think any are being eaten this way.


Most birds waste 90 percent of foods.


Both our Grey and Conure will pick a piece of whatever vegetable up, take a beak size bite, then toss it. Every once in a while, you will see them with a whole piece in their Talon and eating it. Then the rest is pick up and toss, until they get to the next veggie they want to eat.


Now fruit is a different story, atleast in my two birds. If it is something they love like Apple, Grape, Coconut, Cantalope, Water Melon etc. They will hold and eat every last bit of each piece and toss nothing but the skin away.


Pellets, they bite and crack, eat what is in their little beak and the rest explodes all over the place. So, I smash the pellets, Harrisons and fruity blend into to smaller pieces and they pretty much eat what they beak completely. It has cut WAY down in waste of Pellets.


Note: As others, all the foods types are in separate containers, except fruit and veggies. I mixed the two together when I give them a little fruit.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/08 15:51

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I honestly think he's just tossing it out - I've just come in from work and set up his playstand - first thing he's done is pick three bits of broccoli up and flung them - no taste required! If I personally pick them up and hand them to him he'll give it a good chew, but it looks like he thinks the "green bits" are for fun ;)


Now fruit on the other hand - exactly the same as your household Dan - he'll scoff that till it's gone.


He's like a stubborn child who won't eat his veggies - now what did I used to do to the kids - did I used to rub their noses in it when they didn't eat it or did I make them eat it the next morning for breakfast.....?



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