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advice on plucking?


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Hi all,


Here is a photo of my TAG, Max, whom I've had for about 4 weeks now. Do you guys think he is plucking or just moulting? I do notice some feathers on the bottom of his cage occasionally, and some of them are actually half-feathers (like they are cut in half). His tail and wings look great, but his chest in now just downy fluff.


If he is plucking, what can I do about it? He spends most of the day out of his cage, he eats both seed and pellets, he refuses to eat most fruits and veggies (he sometimes eats them if I hold the bits of food between my lips). He does seem like a timid bird, my kids make him nervous, but they generally stay away from him and his cage. Any advice on what I could do to help him not become a conpulsive plucker?


Thanks, Missy


CIMG0417.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Wolfspirit, at: 2009/09/05 23:19

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I need some advice on my TAG, Max. I think he may be plucking his chest. I have seen some feathers on the bottom of his cage, and some of them are half feathers. His tail and wings look great, but his chest is mostly downy fluff now.


We've had him for about 4 weeks. He spends most of his time outside of his cage. He eats both seeds and pellets, but he doesn't like fruits and veggies. The only time he'll really try these is if I hold them between my lips. He seems like a really timid bird, my kids make him nervous, but they generally stay away from him and his cage.


Any advice about his chest feathers? What else could I do to help him not pluck?

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Yeah, his chest had downy feathers only, with just a few real feathers. It did get a little worse since he came home with us. I figured he's had a couple of stressful weeks. I got him from a college student who only had him for a couple of weeks because he was trying to find a home for Max to help his sister out (that is the original owner since Max was a baby). So, I guessed that Max was showing signes of stress for being displaced. He has bonded with me very fast, so I'm hoping that his plucking will end soon. That's why I need to know what else I can do to make it easier for him to adjust.

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Oh, from the home to home to home you describe. There is no doubt hse is a little stressed.


It's wonderful you have taken her in and she is already getting friendly with you.


Hopefully after a while, she will be right at home and no longer plucking from stress. :-)

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The first thing is to take him to see an avian vet if he hasn't already to rule out any physical problem and if he is healthy then it is due to stress.


Sometimes they need things to do to keep them busy and maybe pluck less. Provide him with some foraging type toys where you can put treats for him to work for. Do check thru the toys and playstands room for foraging ideas for things you can make from common household items that will keep him busy when he is in his cage.

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The picture certainly looks like he has been plucking. Poor little fella.


You mentioned that you have children. Do you live in a calm environment or is it noisy and hectic? Where is your parrot's cage located? I recommend placing the cage in an area where your parrot has privacy yet can also observe and feel included in what's going on. This location should not be directly where there is alot of of traffic. I also would not place the cage directly in front of a window or where there is a draft either.

Do take your parrot to the avian vet to have a general exam.

This is very important and shouldn't be ignored.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/06 02:22

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As has been said, a vet visit is needed first to rule out any physical problems and rule out illness as the cause of plucking. Moving from home to home is very hard on a grey, this could be the most likely cause.Please ensure the children are not stressing her out.Moving the cage to an area where she is more secure is a good idea.Make sure she has lots of toys and that she is playing with them.Keep her beak busy with lots to chew.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/06 07:07

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Yes, I took Max to the local avian vet within one week of having him. To her, he seemed perfectly healthy. She mentioned that the diminishing feathers on his chest might be plucking, and that once he gets some stability, he will eventually stop that. She also mentioned that moulting could be a factor because when she clipped him, she noticed a couple of blood feathers in the wings. I just wanted to know if I can do anything else to help him adjust. Thank you to all for the suggestions...

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Yes.. I do agree with the above post. Keeping your grey interested, busy and distracted is very helpful too. Try to observe what types of toys he enjoys. I would include a preening toy in his cage so he can preen that instead of himself. Is he a destroyer, or does he enjoy foraging, maybe puzzles...etc



Eventually you might want to introduce shower or bathing to him as well. Please don't ever give up on offering him fresh vegetables raw or cooked. Especially the dark green and bright orange variety. Example.. sweet potato, broccoli, squash, dandelion etc.


I don't use this product myself but alot of parrot owners also include red palm oil in the diet. I will probably add this in the winter months. Out of curosity.. what type of pellet do you offer him?<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/06 15:52

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I give him ZuPreem Avian Maintenance Fruit Blend Flavor pellets, he seems to really like them. And yes, even though it is really difficult to get him to eat fruits and veggies, I won't give it up. I consider it a victory if he takes just a couple of nibbles from my lips! Funny, my kids were already picky eaters, now I have another one to worry about!

I do spray him down every day with a water spray bottle, he kind of likes it, but it doesn't get him completely soaked. Once he is a little more settled in, I will take him in the shower and see how he reacts to it.

I am still trying to figure him out, to see what kind of toys he likes. So far, he is pretty picky with his toys, too. I will keep offering him new ones, though.

The kids do leave him alone, my oldest (10 year old boy) is making friends with him more than the others, and Max is a bit more relaxed around him than around the 6 year old and the baby.

His cage is in our living room, away from the entrance (so foot traffic is limited). Is is near a window, but it doesn't seem drafty right now, I might move the cage in the winter.

Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming if you have more.

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I don't use Zupreem but have read positive comments about this pellet. He seems so lucky to have such a conscientous and caring parront like you. Consider purchasing a vegetable kabob where your can skewer different fruits and vegetables on it for him. Regarding the toys... try playing with them yourself in front of him and show him that you are having an awesome time. Perhaps he needs to be encouraged a little. My parrot loves it when I sing to her.. sing softly to him. He might enjoy that too.

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she has stopped plucking!!!


At a local parrot supply shop the owner reccommend Grannick's Bitter Apple spray for birds with plucking issues.


I have just about tried everything under the sun to get her to stop, but this was the only thing that worked.


She HATES having it sprayed on her, but it has kept her from plucking her chest feathers out and she now has a lovely full chest of feathers!!! :)



give it a try :)

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