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Chikki isnt eating as much


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All.. please help.. I had to rush to India last week as my Grandfather was critically ill. I had to let Chikki stay with the breeder. She is really very good in terms of the conditions she provides to her birds.. Chikki had a seperate cage for her, and seemed to be a happy bird when i brought him home this monday..


Since then I have noticed that he doesnt eat as much as he generally did before last week.. even his favourite foods are not enough to lure him to eat.. he either has just a bite or throws them away.. i have never seen this behaviour in him.. otherwise he seems to be pretty normal.. makes a lot of noise, is very active and is the same in his habits.. in fact this week he has been out of his cage almost 5 to 6 hours everday against 4 hours previously..


is this something to worry about, or should i just give him sometime to regain his self after this change!!

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How old is he? I'm not as experienced as other members on the forum as my Cag is only 4 months old, but from what i've experienced and read their likes and dislikes keep changing. ask the breeder what he was giving your cag. Maybe he prefers that? I know my cag doesnt eat as much as she used to but seems very healthy and playful and is maintaining her weight.


Because you say he is his usual self, maybe you should give it a little while longer. Monitor his weight and his droppings and see from there.

I also read that their nostrils must be clear and eyes bright and healthy.


If there are any other changes in behaviour that concern you maybe you should visit your vet.


Hope its nothing serious though. Goodluck

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How nice.. Leia, Chikki is 5 months old.. thats what i was thinking as well.. should give a call to the breeders.. his nostrils are fine.. eyes are sharp and he is as mischievous as ever..


will keep you posted.. he does eat food.. but previously he used to eat rice/cornflakes/indian pancakes and a lot of stuff really well.. but now he just has a bite.. which worries me..it took me 3 months to get him to this indianised diet :).. and a week has spoilt it i guess!! haha..

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Is he eating his "Proper" Parrot food, such as Pellets, seed mix, nuts?


Has his weight gone down?


At such a young age, getting a weight reading each morning AFTER their first Poop is important. It will give you a general idea if your Grey is eating properly and maintaining his weight.


You can not tell anything by trying to judge how much he is actually eating, compared to just tearing up and throwing down.

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guys.. some updates on Chikki.. i have noticed something very weird in his eating habits.. i found that the breeder gave him a seed based diet. i had got him out of it in the lost 2 months.. anyways i am slowly getting him to eat.. but this is strange... i place seeds in his usual bowl and he doesnt touch it.. so i put it in a plastic cover and place it in his neighbourhood and he is happy to forage it and make a mess of the place..


what is he going through.. from what i see he is eating ok.. just that doesnt have it from his usual bowl!! please help..

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all.. good news.. Chikki is slowly coming back to his self.. he is not eating as much as he used to, but i can clearly see he is improving.. and i am slowly weaning him out of the seeds business..


morning he has some cornflakes/oats placed between bits of seeds.. during the day my wife gives him some snacks and in the night, it is rice and fresh vegetables.. coated on top with some seeds.. and he is doing just fine!!


the good thing is, my wife has taken a break from work for a few months.. so she is there the whole day at home and lets him out at about 4 in the evening.. and Chikki has learnt to get back to his HOME when he is sleepy or hungry.. which is so nice.. and he is getting chattier these days.. today especially my wife said he has been trying all sorts of sounds, especially when my wife is on the phone.. i sometimes try to decode some meaningful words from his chatter, but not been successful so far.. but he is getting there i think!! cant wait :).. otherwise he is the same old self.. now that he eats something other than seeds, i can start training him from the weekend treating him with seeds!!

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As long as he's poo'ing then that's normally a sign he's eating something.. if something comes out, then something must have gone in..


I brought Chiku home a few weeks back and she ate like a horse, then a week later she slowed right down with what she looked to be eating, and now she's picked right up again.. Could be to do with fledging.. Everything else was normal, play. sleep etc.. Now both are eating like little troopers :D

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