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Ragga's home!


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Ragga is home today, he is even more beautiful in person.

I have a few questions though. I have read a lot about the home coming, I know it can take him a while before he's comfortable. However, physically he seems ok, he's already grinding his beak and playing with his toys, but he doesn't really want anything to do with me. When he flys to my head I use that moment to pet him and he just flys away from me. I have read other posts on here and most people say how their grey is very cuddly and wants to be on them. I understand every Grey is dif but I just need to know if anyone else's Grey was the same? By the way, I have never meet him before he's from TX and I'm in CA.

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Like you say, each grey is different!

My last baby grey was from the same breeder as the other two but wasnt really into cuddling as much as the others in the early stages. He is now 15 months old and likes nothing more than a cuddle while he sits on my knee.

Just give it time and your baby will let you know what he wants, he sounds like an independent little thing.


Congratulations on your new baby:)

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It does take a while before a baby grey or any grey for that matter to settle into a new home, everything is new to him even you so give him some space right now and let him get comfortable. Most baby greys need to feel comfortable before they welcome cuddling so be patient.

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I think that with gentle persistence, kindness, time and patience you will be able to have a good relationship with Ragga.

You have more work cut out for you because you both have to start from nothing. Trust and confidence takes time to build and all of a sudden Ragga finds himself in the house of a stranger he has never met before.


I've always thought it pretty interesting that people are comfortable with purchasing a pet they have never met in advance. I know that I personally could never do that. Being able to hold them and look in to their eyes is a must for me before even considering to invite them into my home/life.


Give the both of you lots of time to get used to each others presence.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/05 19:06


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/05 19:07<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/05 19:08

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Thank you everyone! That's what I wanted to here :). I got him from a breeder that I know is very good, I have a few friends who has birds from her. This is why I chose to get a bird out of state. Today he is MUCH better, still independent, which I like, he is very sweet just not to cuddly. I know Greys are not cuddly in more cases than not so I don't expect to much of that. I thank you again for respnding. I think a lot of my confusion was merley my excitement of finally having him home. I want nothing but the best for Ragga! I'm just a nerves new paront! LOL!!!

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Welcome home Ragga! Sephora came home yesterday, so I know JUST what you are talking about...


She came from GA and we're in CT...She isn't super cuddly either but I'm just chalking it up to getting used to being here:) Sephora is very independent and prefers to stay at the top of her cage unless it looks like I'm doing something super interesting...no cuddles here either yet.


congrats on your new baby!


~Robin<br><br>Post edited by: glitterysparkle, at: 2009/09/06 19:34

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update. . Ragga is still not supper cuddly but he is letting me pet and hug him more and more. His favorite thing to do is to fly to my head and sit on top of my hair and pull it lol:laugh: he also likes to rub his beak along my neck. he started to cry a lot last night, i got super scared something was wrong, well that he was hungry and crying for formula. In 2 days he's lost 16 grams. So i steamed some yams and mashed them and gave it to him on a spoon. He continued to cry this morning.The breeder told me the weight loss isn't to bad but the crying is something to be concern about. i have taken a billion pic already. I wont bore you with to many haha.

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