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second thoughts.


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So as I posted about a week ago I plan on having a CAG in about a years time. I am worried maybe my lifestyle won't be conducive to a happy, full, and long healthy life for my potential grey feathered friend. My girlfriend is a high school band director. So that means she would be at work from 6ish-4,5ish monday- friday and games and contests on weekends (mostly in the fall) My self, I am an EMT (working on my paramedic) that works tuesday, thursday, saturday from 0500 to 0600pm. Also for some of the time I will be in class or doing clinical rounds. Then there is the volunteer rescue squad. 12 hour shifts 4x a month. I don't imagine being home and NOT wanting to have my friend out with me. But I am still concerned this will not be enough. I saw a blue and gold macaw, umbrella cockatoo and grey at this put-put golf course and they had pulled feathers and just seemed miserable. I would hate to be responsible for pain and suffering of an animal. I have read some posts and it seems some of you work at home, and can spend the bulk of your day with your bird(s). But I imagine at least some of you have full days as I do. The plus side to my schedule is it starts early in the morning, so I would be home by time most other "9-5" folks would be home as well. So I ask you fine folks, the experts what do you think? Can I provide a good life for one of these amazing animals? Or should I consider another breed, or drop it all together?

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I think you're making a wise decision. It doesn't have to be a final decision. You should wait until all your activities kick in and see what happens. There's plenty of greys that can be purchased at any time. A grey does need company and you're correct about the feather plucking. Greys will pluck their feathers constantly if things aren't quite good. Yes, people work but usually they have a set schudule that a bird can get used to. Hold off for a while. Be absolutely sure that you can give your bird at least 4 hrs of your time. Resting up after work may take away part of those four hrs. It's good that you're thinking of the future.

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Hi Dan,


I think you are being wise and considerate thinking about the time you will need for a new parrot. You have a lot going on but it seems your "full" days are basically 3 days a week?


Think about how much free time you will actually have once your classes and clinicals start, plus your job and volunteer work.


I'm a nurse practitioner and I know that i wouldn't have had time for a parrot while in school or while i was working 12 hour night shifts 3x a week- that alone was hard on my dog and he let me know it.


You know your schedule best...i think you should wait and see how much time studying for classes will also be involved...for me it was at least 20 hours a week outside of class. then you will be able to better judge.




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I have a full time job and am quite busy myself. Before meeting my parrots I probably thought the same as you and didn't really think that I was up to the commitment.


When I got my parrots I started to prioritize alot more. The more I get to know my parrots.. the more I love them and .. .. the more I tend to prioritize even more so. All I can say is that I wasn't looking for either of my parrots when I first met the each of them. It is because of how I feel about them that I am able and willing to make the necessary adjustments for them in my life.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/05 01:50

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Well I am on semester 1 of 2, maybe 4 if I go all the way through paramedic. I am thinking about stopping at intermediate for a while. So right around summer time I would be done and thats about the time I was thinking of getting the little one. I am also thinking about maybe going to school to be a nurse practitioner or PA. But thats A LOT of school! I don't even have my BS! haha I don't even have my AS! Thanks for the input, I welcome more!

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You can wait for your schedule to settle into more of a routine or you can make time if you really want a grey. I work full time but I am into a pretty much set routine but that could change at any time. We never know when life takes a turn or something happens that we have a different situation so there may never be a "perfect time" to get that grey. Sometimes if we wait for the perfect time it never comes for there is always things that happen that make it difficult to get what we want.

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I think it is right for you to concider the needs of the grey before jumping in and being sorry later.You have a very busy work load and it may be wise to hang on till things settle. I work shift work and Charlie is left alone ,I have a little cockatiel who is great company for him and also my Dad will come round while im at work for a bit to break up the day.It is not easy and I have to prioritise things so the birds get lots of attention.

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It's really good that you are thinking about this situation. There's too many greys in the classified ads where their owners thought it would be a good idea - but then realised that they didn't have the time or energy to bring them up.


My life has dramatically changed in the five months since we've had Harvey (this really feels like a lifetime!) and yours would have to too. He takes up ALL of my "spare" time - usually to the detriment of my husband and kids! ;)


Good on you for reconsidering - one day a grey may fit into your lifestyle - and it mightn't be too far away. :)

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Dan - Since you are/were planning on getting a Grey about a year down the road. Which I presume is due to your present busy schedule of work, school and volunteering. I believe you will be much better equipped a year from now to look at your schedule and life then, to decide if timing is right yet for a Grey.


It may or may-not, depending on decisions you make in regards continuing on to your BS degree, perhaps marriage etc. :-) You just never know what a year may bring to you in terms of change.


It is very admirable, that you are starting so far in advance to gain the knowledge and seek advice on when the timing may be right for the Parrot you wish to make a family member for the next 50 years. :-)


Being an EMT is a tough job and a life saver. My hat is off to you!!

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Well everyone thank you soo very much for your help. As I stated on another post I have been on forums before, all kinds, drums, music, guitar, paintball, EMS, and NONE have been as helpful and full of kind, supportive, and knowledgeable. Thank you all so very much.

Here is where I am at. Next summer my girlfriend Nicky will be done with her 2nd teaching year in NC and will be moving here to Virginia Beach with me. We will be getting an apartment (maybe a townhouse...) and we will be saving to afford a bird, cage, toys, vet, and all that stuff. In that time, and probably before we will be looking at breeders for CAGs in the Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads area. I feel like out of all the parrots, the grey will fit out life style the best. So by this time or a little later next year we should be all set to bring home baby grey.

Any thing I am missing? Also anyone know of any good breeders in Virginia Beach?


Also being an EMT is a blast. EMT-B is a easy certification to get, and most cities have a volunteer system. If any of you are interested look in to it. Its fun, exciting and very rewarding!!

Nicky is pushing me to go to the pet store again so we can play with the birds. haha. She didn't used to be an animal lover until she met me!

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Good for you for doing your research! Before I met my african grey I knew it was a matter of WHEN and not a matter of IF.


Ready or not when, I met her there was no way that I was going to let her go to be bought by someone else.


You might want to stay away from pet stores just in case you "fall in love" with one of the african greys and develop african grey fever:silly: . Then you'll have to rearrange your plans.{Feel-good-00020114}

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It sounds like you have a good plan:)


I'm originally from Va Beach and moved to CT last year. We are waiting on my husband's next set of orders(less than a month, crossing our fingers) and hopefully we'll be coming back soon! I am not a fan of CT winters after living in VA Beach my whole life:)


I don't know of any breeders as i didn't do grey research while living in va, but I would check out animal jungle on Holland Rd. We always went there for pet stuff as they had lots of exotic fish and i did see greys in there from time to time.


I found our breeder from recs on this board and looking at ratings on birdbreeders.com.


(and I know its a bit off topic, but i graduated from ODU's BSN & MSN FNP program, so if you have questions feel free to PM me!)



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Thats where we have been going. They have 12 or 15 greys right now. But the way they let just anyone walk in there... me and Nicky where there yesterday and I almost choked a 7yr old who tried stepping on a cockatoo. Kid said he worked there. It just seems like anyone can go in there and do anything to the birds and no one really says anything. I don't want to buy a first bird that has a fear of people because some stupid kid hit him, or dropped him. Animal Jungle has some cool stuff and back in the day used to have really good people working there. Now it just seems like a bunch of kids who know as much or less than me. So I don't know. I guess if I got one from there who was young enough that hadn't had time to be abused by some kid.

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Yea i'd just spend some time researching good breeders esp since you have a while before you get one. There was a baby grey available here at a local petstore,one week older than Sephora.


I chose not to buy from them due to several reasons- the bird was only 11 or 12 weeks when already at the store, so it probably was force weaned. She looked very unstable when climbing so I suspect she was never allowed fledge. she sits in a small cage with no social interaction that I've seen....and finally, the price was $500 more than what Sephora cost. That bird was probably from a bird broker and i think it's akin to puppy mills...I'm more of a rescue person. We considered rescue but a)there were none near us and b) this is our first large bird.


So, go with your gut and find a good and reputable breeder.

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