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HORRIBLE dream!!!


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OMG I wanted so badly to cry this morning....I think I need a dream therapist or something.


Last night I had the craziest, most horrid dream about our Chimay. We were feeding him his dinner, and he started choking a piece of spiral whole wheat pasta. My boyfriend rushed to his aid, looked into his mouth then looked at me and said "I'm sorry sweetie he's gone...there was nothing we could do for him" We both cried and cried, then had a toilet-bowl style funeral (why the toilet, I have no idea) like you would for a goldfish or something. By the time we got back to our living room where his cage is, an entirely new cage had appeared complete with food and toys. My boyfriend said that the new cage was supposed to be a surprise for me and for Chimay...the cage was shaped like a gigantic house. Then out of nowhere a giant Scarlet Macaw flew in through the window onto the top of the cage. At first we were intrigued but then realized that it was evil, trying to bite our hands and our faces. The whole time I couldn't believe our little Chimay was gone, and how in the world we were going to be able to get control of the evil Macaw. Then my boyfriend and I got into an arguement about why in the world we flushed Chimay down the toilet instead of having a proper necropsy performed.


At this point my alarm went off and I woke up realizing it was all just a dream. I jumped out of bed and rushed to Chimay's night cage, flipping the cover up. There he was, happy and wide awake with a piece of newspaper in his little mouth. I took him out and gave him what seemed like a million kisses and made him the biggest breakfast he could stomach. I hope I NEVER have a dream like that EVER again.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/09/04 20:37

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Yeah I don't think he minded the big breakfast and extra loving he got this morning...ha ha. Although if the bad dream become a recurring thing, I'll have to hold out on the urge to pamper him or he'll end up a rotten spoiled fat little birdie. Lol!! Well he's already spoiled rotten so I guess that won't matter.


And it'd better not be some birdie ESP thing he's doing to make this kind of dream happen...little stinker ;)

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Lol I actually had my first dream about Yoshi last night and was disturbed myself... although nothing horrible at least for Yoshi.


For some reason my husband and I decided Yoshi's cage was way too big for him and bought a pretty cockatoo and brought him home and put him in Yoshi's cage with Yoshi... the next day we checked on them and Yoshi had pulled all the cockatoo's tail feathers out and it was cowering in the corner... I felt terrible... and woke up that way... until I realized I was dreaming and it was a dumb dream lol.

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Sometimes the subconscious mind is a terrible thing. Our dreams are made up mostly of processing taking place of information we took in that day, things that happened and of course the forefront of those thoughts at times are our most dearly loved.


I have had some terrible nightmares over the years regarding those I love and so has my wife. These included our children and pets.


The odd thing is, we seem to worry more about our FIDs, than we did over our children. I believe this is due to our understanding of just how much they depend on us for their very lives and will never be capable of "Taking Control" over their own well being. We all know our children are growing and learning each day how to be self sufficient and one day they will leave the "Nest" fully capable of building their own lives.


The saying "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed." is so true and a very heavy responsibility.

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I dream all the time about Harvey - it's so weird (I honestly do have other things in my life). They've never been as bad as this one though!


I thoroughly agree with Dan about not worrying so much about the children - they learn the way, they learn their own mistakes and in the end, hopefully, they turn out alright. This feathered friend in our midst relies on us COMPLETELY and if we fail, then so do they. This is probably why they are on our minds all of the time.


Try a stiff drink before bed (whoops, I'm off again) and I hope you get a better sleep tonight xx

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I couldn't agree more with both of you....my boyfriend and I have no human children, so Chimay is our baby. He is on my mind all day at work, and I rush home to be with him every day. We take him into consideration with any and all plans we make....


I guess it's not all too surprising that I dreamt about him....but man why'd it have to be such a horrible one? And what's with the evil macaw? Ha ha ha

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When my kids where babies I always had horrible dreams I reemember one was extreamly bad about my my 3 yr old she had a sister that was a 1yr younger than her and we where on a bus and our stop came I remember struggling to get the stroller off the bus and I was just turning to help my 3 year old get off and the door of the bus closed and left with my 3yr old still on it. horrible dream. the stupidist thing is I've always had a car never ever rode the bus but thats was the dream. I really think we dream about losing the things we love the most because its something that would be the worst thing to ever happen thank God its only a dream.

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Hey.. dont worry.. I often dream such terible things as well.. but my parents always say, when we dream about someone's death, it just means they will live longer.. i am not sure how true that is, but it is a good consolation after a horrible dream.. Long live Chimay!!

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