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Echo's not really settling down with Chiku right well.. She doesn't mind Chiku being around, but if Chiku gets too close Echo will nip her feet.. Even though I've tried giving Echo #1 status, lots of praise when they're close together, lots of 1 on 1 attention and so on, Echo actually seems to be getting worse..


I mentioned this at work as my colleague was asking how they were getting on, so we were discussing it for a bit.. We've both pretty much come to the conclusion that Echo's got it into her head that she can behave any way she likes and still get the attention she wants 'at a later date'. So even though I've been giving her 1 on 1 later at night or lots of extra seeds and scratches, she's giving Chiku a hard time, knowing that she might get a telling off there and then, but later she'll get what she wants anyway..


Manipulation? I think so.. I'm going to try and flip things round a bit.. Chiku got fed first as I got home at 1 after work today and Chiku hadn't touched any of her veggies that I'd left in.. I positioned all her food in a certain way so i could check, she didn't eat much last night either, i think she's feeling a bit depressed - like Betty.. Getting bullied is getting her down.. So Chiku came out first and munched some formula, Echo stayed in the cage.. Then Chiku's been getting lots of attention, whilst Echo only gets attention if she approaches us calmly.. So far it seems to be having an effect, granted it's only an hour or so into my experiment.. Anyone else think that by taking a slightly firmer line with the bullying will work..?


Yes - i think a bit of insecurity sparked it off, but I've spent the whole time trying constant positive reinforcement, as well as a quite a few time outs.. I even gave Echo a shower I know i shouldn't have.. But it's gone a bit passed that and Chiku is only a little baby, Echo can be very standoffish to people she doesn't know, and she's being exactly the same towards Chiku as she would be towards unknown people.


btw.. I got my DNA results back and I got 2 girls :D

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Congratulations on your two girlies.{Feel-good-00020114} I would think that it will just take alot of time before they are comfortable, accepting and respectful of each other's presence. Perhaps almost a year. You will just have to continue forging ahead and make sure to demonstrate to the both of them that you love them both. Personally I think it's important to still demonstrate to Echo that she is still TOP bird by serving her first, cleaning her cage first etc. She is merely acting out because it's all new to her and has never really had to share you or her toys and space before.


In my case.. it took at least 7 months before I sensed that my parrots were ok with each other.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/05 02:05

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I really think that Echo needs to feel that she is still very loved and is still top birds. I don't think that she's trying to hurt Chiku she just tring to tell her that I was here first and I'm the boss I would not be trying to give Chiku more attention than Echo Echo must remain top bird if there is any hopes that one day they will except each other do not try to push the friendship it must happen by itself without interferance from you. the only thing you should be doing is refereeing any fighting other then that let the birds figure it out Echo must be made to feel he is still #1 in your eyes. All my birds are a flock and I've never tried to make any of them be friends with one another it takes about 4 months for a new bird to be accepted as a flock member<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/05 22:39

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