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Love your Grey


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Some are dark grey,some are light

Some are gentle,some like to fight

All are different in there own way

Just like there owners, some may say

Everyday its a laugh and giggle

Watch out for poop, when that bum wiggles

That strange eye goes big and small

Do beware when they stand tall

Watch them fingers,they like to nip

Hurts even more if they get a grip

Kisses and cuddles they love to do

Because deep down, they really love you

So treat them well and do be nice

You'll have a friend,for the rest of your life.

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An ode to Davey:


Alfie is a parrot, his owner, Daveyj

I love to read his poems though my dull and boring day


Davey is our laureate, poetry is his game

and it is his love of Alfie that’s brought him praise and fame.


You’ll see him writing rhymes about a forum member

It may be June, may be July – may even be September!


He really has the time of day for all his parrot mates

From over here in England, to the United States.


We really have just missed him, he hasn’t been around too much

But best of all, he’s back on here and now we’re back in touch!


This is my only offering, I won’t be rhyming more

I’m scared I’ll have old Davey, come knocking at my door!!


To end this little story and help you at this part

You need to change from this old room and get over now to F.A.R.T!


I thank you! :laugh:

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