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Update on Argyle


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Our newest little sweetheart is settling in really well. Today I decided to lift his cage off the stand in order to clean it properly - whilst he was on the outside of it lol. He didn't attempt to bite me and when I'd finished and was putting everything back together he hopped onto my shoulder, then onto the curtain and back onto my shoulder. He sat there for about 30 seconds and at no time attemped to bite although when I approach his cage he still backs away and twitters loudly as if nervous.


I had a good look at him today whilst close and he is is excellent condition, his feet and his feathers look so healthy. He was obviously well looked after and loved by his previous owner. The cage and toys he came with were spotless and the toys plentiful.


He is amazingly pretty - a gorgeous shade of green with a darker green forehead. His "shoulders" are red and the underside of his tail feathers are yellow. I am so pleased we got him and he seems to be happy in his new home.


When he is out I cover the top of Beau's cage in case he lands there and Beau takes a nip of his feet lol! Beau has become less nervous with him and is now eating normally (he ate very little the first 24 hrs :-() All seems well with my two babies. Our family is now complete.


A question, when (or if) should I allow both birds out of their cages together? This would be better for me and probably for them too. They show no signs of agression towards each other and they seem to (birdy) chat together. Yesterday when calling Beau back to his cage, Argyle copied and joined me in saying "come on then" - hillarious.

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Argyle is doing real good then, at least you are making progress and I would go ahead and let them both out for a bit and see what happens, you can quickly tell if there is going to be a problem, who knows they might just co-exist with out much of a problem. Good luck with it Julie and let us know what happens.

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As long as the bird came from a good home and had regular well bird checkups I don't think there is much risk its the birds that come from not so good homes or pet stores, bird mills they are the one that you really have to keep quarantined until all tests come back. Obviously if his cage and toys are spotless and he has tons of toys he was very loved and well taken care of so I probubly wouldn't quarantine him either if I had adopted him.

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