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Shopping for a new Grey...


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Okay, so I've recently decided to get an African Grey (Timneh). I haven't put down the deposit yet, or anything like that. I'm first investigating all the "hidden" costs like vet fees, weekly food bill, etc. Also, I'm searching for a nice used cage, and have gotten some great ideas on this forum for making a PVC playgym.


I've owned cockatiels before, but this is my first large parrot. I'd like some recommendations for a reading list...books, dvd's, whatever. Also, I am not used to this site, so a direction to new parrot posts would be great, I'm having trouble finding anything!



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Congrats on deciding to join the rank of grey owner, you are in for a treat of a lifetime.


Its not cheap to keep an african grey, they need a big cage, toys, playstand, travel cage, good food, vet visits and a certain amount of your time. Cage will be a one time thing but the other things will be ongoing and could vary from time to time.


Most of us usually take our grey to see an avian vet for an annual checkup but if something happens to your bird or it gets sick then that is additional money.


Most of us feed our greys some of what we eat, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes and a little chicken or other meat occasionally. The main expense foodwise is the pellets you should provide at all times for snacking.


One book comes to mind if I only mention one is "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker, it has a lot of good information that covers all areas about the grey.

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I'm definitely excited. I hope to be able to add a Grey to my family around or after the Holidays. I've found a good local vet already that specializes in Aviary care, and I have a couple of breeders locally that hand raises TAG's, so that gives me options right there too. I work from home, so I absolutely have plenty of time for a Grey, and actually have no other pets and don't plan on having anything else...so he's going to be my one and only!

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Congratulations on deciding to become a grey parront. They are so worth the effort. It's great that you will be able to work from home and have your grey out and with you all day. Karma to you for researching and learning about greys before bringing your grey home.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/09/04 05:04

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You guys DO realize that it almost seems like Greys are too much work from some of the posts on this site, right?!? I loved the essay on the personality of a Grey in the first few years...classic! I've known people with Greys, though, and know that if you can give them time and attention, they are the best!

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I'd bought quite a few books at Amazon, just ran a search for "african grey" on their engine and started clicking away! :) Aside from the how-to books on how to properly care for a grey, I would also highly recommend Alex & Me by Dr. Pepperburg as more of a philisophical reading. It really opened my eyes to the intelligence and potential of these wonderful little creatures.


Keeping a grey as the others have said here is certainly no small task, financially or otherwise. They do require a LOT of attention, toys and grocery trips. There are quite a few greYt recepies in the Bird Food room on this forum, and the more freezable meals you make the easier your life will be I promise ;) We just got our Chimay in March of this year, and I think the biggest life change that we've experienced is that it is more difficult than before to plan trips. We've never taken an extended vacation per say (exceeding 3 days in length), but the few trips we've taken have been carefully planned to make sure that my mother is available to stay at our apartment and be with Chimay. She's really the only person that we trust and has a good rapport with Chimay.


And then there's the poop. Enough said ;)


I do have to say that Chimay has changed our life drastically, but we would not change a SINGLE THING for the world!! I never knew it was possible to love and feel so bonded to an animal before...I mean, I've had cats before and loved them to itty bitty furry pieces but this is a very different experience.

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We're sorry we paint the picture that our Greys are hard work.......but they are!!! :laugh: Unless you are asleep you will not get one minute's peace and quiet.


You are doing a great job in research before you buy - well done for that - too many people think they are talkative birdies who sit in cages WRONG!


I too had a cockatiel - and I must say - give me 20 cockatiels and I'd get more "me time" than one of Harvey (who incidentally is trying to chew the telephone as I type)! Good luck and I look forward to your updates. :)

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This site has been truly great in so many ways in terms of real experienced information, thanks so much! I'm not at all worried about the time consuming aspect, because that is actually something I really need. I do have 2 small children (3 and 7), but they don't live with me full time, and frankly I MISS taking care of them...so the Grey is going to be spoiled...for sure! By the way, has anyone here talked about organizing the recipes in Bird Food into some kind of cookbook? Seriously, I think that would be a really great idea!

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JillyBeanz wrote:

We're sorry we paint the picture that our Greys are hard work.......but they are!!! :laugh: Unless you are asleep you will not get one minute's peace and quiet.


Lol, my baby Yoshi is almost too quiet, it makes me worry! But he is only 5 months... I'm sure that will change in time... I'd think, lol.


I've only had Yoshi for about a month, but I love him to pieces... yes there is work and lots of mess involved lol, but I already know that as I used to have a Quaker Parrot :P Don't worry though, if you are willing to put up with the mess and devote time and love to your bird, you will be just fine :) Research ahead of time and know what you are getting into, that sure helped me :) Good luck!

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