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Some here know my story but I have not been around long but here is a recap. Adopted a 15 year old CAG and our relationship has bloomed into a great love for each other. Anyways my question is this morning she fell flat on her back off her perch and I am really paranoid. We have this ritual in the morning about 6:30 when I wake her up or she me and we give each other a kiss then I feed her. Well I opened her food door and lately she has been trying to pull it back before I have had a chance to finish putting her food in. Well the door was not closed all the way and she lost her footing and fell flat on her back.


I picked her up and she seemed find and then she did it again almost immediatly after i reperched her. She has never fallin before since living with me and she seemed ok. I stayed with her for sometime before even leaving the room and she was going about her business as usual talking and such. Should I be concerned or take her into the vet or since she is acting fine maybe she is ok. I know that they can be clumsy but that kind of scared me.


Please advise.

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Maybe it is an old game she used to play and she did it on purpose especially if she is fine, eating and otherwise acting normal. She has had 15 years to learn all sorts of behaviors before you got her. Keep an eye on her but a game is what I am thinking. Anyone else who thinks it is something else please chime in.

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Well Kiwi is just fine and acting normal, definitely not injured. She tried again this morning doing the same thing so I went in the main door and put her food in her bowl. She then made fart noises at me which she does constantly when she doesn't get her way.


I believe at this point the first time was a mistake and she lost her footing but the second hmmm must be for attention. :silly: Thanks for all of your comments though I feel more at ease knowing that she is fine!

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KiwiandSally wrote:

I believe at this point the first time was a mistake and she lost her footing but the second hmmm must be for attention. :silly:


Hahahahahahahaha, that is hilarious. Your Grey is literally "Falling" for you.


Of course, you do deserve a Raspberry for not responding.



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