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Carol, you look amazing. I think I expected you to have been really big before you lost your weight but tbh you weren't THAT big but big enough to affect your health and possibly your life expectancy.


I can relate to this on a smaller scale. Tbh the word "diet" is like the kiss of death to me but really we eat far more food than is necessary to live. I have also lost a fair bit of weight, in my case by missing out lunch (I wouldn't recommend this for diabetics!) and this has worked for me. I have noticed improvements in my health too. No more indigestion, a knee problem has improved as well as my back problem. If only we all ate ONLY when we are hungry and not simply because a, we're depressed, b, because we're bored by mostly in my case because it's a regular meal time.


Well done Carol. Karma to you

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Yes we do eat far more than we need and restaurants do not help at all, its seems they have to serve a heaping plate of food much more than should be eaten but then people would not feel they were getting their money's worth.


I have lost and gained it back many times, a yo-yo effect which is not good in itself but I am going to watch this link and see if anything about it applies to me and maybe it will help me too like it did Carol.


I am very proud of you Carol, you have done what many of us can't seem to do.

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I might not look that bad as far as being fat but i was 226 pounds which was terrible for me. I think loosing weight should never be about missing meals i eat 6 x a day and i am never hungry you have to eat small but often on your meals. I use to try and see how long i can go without food but none of that works really. Your body just reacts worse when you do that. My meals are of course no starches like pasta etc no breads which was extremely hard i could live on bread alone. Most important part is to log your food you will be so surprised the answer is right there. My first few days i kept on reaching for food or snacks not because i was hungry but it was out of habit when you start having to record each and every bit you think twice about eating that item. It is hard but hey we got to do something.

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Please let me know if i can help you in any way Judy. I am so passionate about this subject i want to get a job doing this for a living, there are so many people that just don't know how easy it is to get off all those medications and live healthier all you have to do is want it bad enough.

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Corol, the trouble I had was most days I don't get back from work until 2-3pm, I would then have "lunch" which would put dinner back until late. I have now brought forward dinner and don't bother with lunch, if I'm hungry I will have a piece of fruit. This works for me and I don't feel like I'm dieting. Different things work for different people Carol, I think that's what we have to bear in mind. No diet is right or wrong, it's what suits the individual. I have lost a lot of weight and I'm not going back to eating midday.


Judy, you are right, restaurants give you far too much. I used to eat off oval "steak plates" but have gone back to smaller plates now. I think as you get older you don't need as much food, your matabalism slows down but we forget to cut the size of our meals.


This is a great topic. :)

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We also aren't as active as we get older but think we can eat the same amount of food so the pounds pile on. I didn't used to have a sit down job like I do now and I could pretty much eat what I wanted for I was on my feet all day and moving around, now I sit at a desk in front of a computer and it makes a big difference.


I don't skip any meals but I do think it would help to have more smaller meals than just 3 bigger ones.


This IS a great topic Julie and we could go on and on forever about it.

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Thank you all so much it is a great accomplishment and i feel absolutely wonderful now just to loose that last 20 pounds and i will be done. Hopefully i have inspired a few people that is all i want to accomplish. We can live such better lives by being healthy no reason to be on those medications and be uncomfortable. I did mine all natural and am proud of it.

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