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Lost a friend today.


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Tess my sisters Bull mastif had to be put to sleep this morning.She had been unable to use her back legs properly for a few days.The vet arranged x rays this morning and she had a massive bone tumor so was put to sleep while under the anasthetic.She was a gentle giant.In all her 10 years I have never known her to show one second of aggression.God she is so missed already.I used to viset and she would cover me in dog drool,It never bothered me at all.I used to call her Tess Mess.She had the most fantastic temperament,a true ambassador for a breed that can get bad press.I believe its how they are raised and treated.She was one of the family .My sister and all of us are devastated,especially as my nephew who adored her is on holiday.We are not telling him till he comes home tomorrow.

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Oh my god, I am so sorry Sheila. It's an awful time - I remember it well from a couple of years ago when my mam had to get our family dog put to sleep due to a brain tumour.


At least poor Tess is now out of it - but unfortunately it's us that's left to suffer. Lots of Love to you and your family from me. :kiss:


PS. I too am of the ideology that it's how the dog is brought up - not the breed x

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