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Hi All! First off, I love this site! Friendly and helpful bird people make me visit here often.

For me, it was love at first sight. The first time I met an African Grey I was in total awe! Since then I have devoured any information I could about these birds. I was owned by a huge CAG until we decided to move overseas a year ago. Needless to say, it was a tearful goodbye. But I vowed to find another feathered friend.

Just less than a week ago I finally got my big guy, my daughter named him Rodney Copperbottom. Living in the Middle East I realize they only import wild caught birds, I spent 1 year struggling with this fact, and decided to take baby steps and help one bird at a time. My son has vowed to not go to any bird stores with me any more because I always have to tell the owner how to take care of the birds, cage off the floor, clean water, varied diet,among other things!

I have a few birds in my life and realize it takes time to bond, but I feel it might take a while for this guy to come around. The bird store ownder said he is 13 months old, but I doubt that. He is not hand tame, but loves to come out of his cage and flap his wings, I can see he has been trimmed, I keep hoping who ever did it was nice and didnt traumatize him.

He wont take food from me, but only fluffs up and gives a click of his beak(sounds like a fingernail clipper!)The thing that drew me to him was how he watched me in the store, while I was talking and asking questions, he only watched me, like he was taking it all in. He isnt scared, but does growl or squawk if I get too close, like when trying to give him a treat.

So far the only training I have tried is isnt really "training", I talk to him nicely and sit by his cage, usually on the floor and talk to him trying to not make eye contact. I also let him see me sleep, I feel if he sees me not moving or making noise that he will keep looking at me and decide Im not too bad.

I keep hoping he will come around, I really want to make friends with him and show him how good of a bird "mom" I can be. So any advice is welcome!

Leda, and Rodney

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Hello Leda and welcome to our family, we are so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Rodney Copperbottom.


Once you have one of these amazing creatures you are hooked, I know it broke your heart to have to leave your first one behind but now you have another and what a life you two will have.


It probably will take a little longer since this one is not a just weaned baby but I am so glad you could give this guy a new home, just be patient with him and don't force anything before he is ready for more.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Rodney you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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