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need help with Jax! Updated!!!!


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Hello, I just have a question that I hope someone has some info on!


Jax (our Lorikeet) has just recently started to make a weird hissing noise while rubbing my lip with his beak. Doesn't bite and he'll do it when I'm talking to him. I will pull him away and then he'll stick his head out really high and look at me...




I try not shoulder him, but he wants to be up there, more so after we got Jasper. If he does get up there and I tell him to step up to get down, he has started biting and making a squawking noise...he doesn't draw blood, but it's getting close. Like he doesn't want to get down. (or get in his cage really...but not all the time, maybe 1 out of 10 times)


He dances and head bobs and squeaks to get my attention...


He goes to bed last and gets 'special' privileges, I talk to him and Jasper a lot. Jasper is more my husband's bird...Jax is mine and we play a lot...


I'm not sure if it's a jealousy thing? Or a me thing? We got Jasper a month ago and all of this started 2 weeks ago...


I am not sure what to do...we practice step up a lot and does fine when he's not on my shoulder or trying to put him back in his cage...


Any insight? Need more info? Any training excersize's I need to be doing with him?


Thanks in advance for your help!!!!


Post edited by: Jingles, at: 2009/09/01 22:35<br><br>Post edited by: Jingles, at: 2009/09/15 19:57

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I think it might be a jealousy problem since it didn't start until after you brought Jasper home. You need to do things first for Jax since he was there first so he knows he has the number one spot. Birds can be funny this way and that is what I do with mine, my sun conure was the first parrot I got then my grey and I do things like letting them out of the cage and feeding them first for my conure and then my grey.


I would say you are going to have to try to keep Jax off your shoulder since he won't step down when you ask him to, it will be nearly impossible to keep him from wanting to go up there but I think it would be wise. I do allow my grey on my shoulder but she has always come down when I asked her to.


I hope some of the more knowledgeable members will be able to give you some more help.

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I think your best bet to find out the particulars of your lorikeet is to go to this site which deals with that type of bird and it's habits and body and health issues.





www.upatsix.com/chats/lory-and-lorikeet<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/02 03:16

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Well, I have stopped 'stroking' Jax on his back. (duh..) and I have stopped being a afraid that every time I pick him up, he's going to bite me. If he starts to take a nibble, I say very sternly, no bite and put him back in his cage.


and... Wall-la...haven't been bitten for a while now!

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