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Carbon Monoxide Detector


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Reading the thread below about gas fires led me to remember I meant to post about this last week.


We have a carbon monoxide detector in our hallway which is kinda near cupboard that houses the boiler and the switch for the gas central heating. We bought it when we first moved into the house over two years ago and before we had any fids. I think all bird owners should have one, guess who would be the first victim of an even slight gas leak? Remember reading about miners taking canaries down mines in victotian times - canary pegs it and you get the hell out!!!


Does anyone else have one?<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2009/09/02 14:26

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i have a carbon monoxide detector...as well as a fire det. on each floor. there's another kind of detector upstairs but i can't for the life of me think what it is for...i'll have to ask my landlord lol. i live in an apartment and all of them were here when i got here and the maintaince man comes in once a month to check them and changes the battery's once a year...except i think one of them is hard wired and doesn't take battery's (obviously! lol) i think it's a great thing to have

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Well I don't have anything that is gas anymore in my home. everything is electric now so I don't need a carbon Monoxide detector but I do have 2 smoke detectors one by the kitchen and one in the laundry roon which is where the fuse box and water heater is also. I'm glad this thread came up It reminded me that the one in the hall just out side the kitchen needs new batteries I just wrote it done on my to do list for tomorrow.

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