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parrot harness


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Can anybody give me advice on a african grey harness im getting a baby cag in a few weeks and i want 2 get him a harness so i can take him out but i dont no what one to get i no it needs to be the medium size but is there any particular brand thats the best? thanku in advance for ur help and guidance!

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Dan what is your opinion about the flight suit? I've been considering trying one for quite some time but I already have harnesses so I haven't really found the motivation to buy one. They seem like great ideas in concept because they double as diapers that keep the droppings off of your clothes and away from the bird in the suit.


Link: http://www.flightquarters.com/bird-diapers/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=AFF&Category_Code=F

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Tobie wore a flight suit all last summer and I've got to say that the "poop pouch" created a freedom that we haven't had with the aviator harness. I could visit my mother and mother-in-law and take Tobie on hikes without the embarrasement of him pooping on me or in someones house. The problem was that he chewed off the straps repeatedly. Not that he escaped the harness, but he became so efficient at removing the straps that I was constantly replacing them. I think the straps on the flight suit are more uncomfortable than the straps on the aviator harness. I keep hoping the aviator harness will come up with a "poop pouch that can fit the harness. Shouldn't be so hard to come up with.

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I'm with Dan on the Aviator. I was supplied with some inadequate harness thing when we brought Harvey home - but purchased the Aviator. Takes a bit of practice - but like Dan says the DVD is step by step. It may take a bit of time, patience and effort - but once on it's fantastic!

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I'm not Dan but I do have an opinion---


I think they're one of the most awful things ever manufactured for birds. What purpose do they serve? I think their only purpose is to stress a bird and they are strictly made for people who also like to dress up their dogs and cats. Utterly stupid.


I personally find a "diaper" or any article of clothing on any animal unattractive.


Also, is this product an example of human selfishness?...an inability to accept a creature as nature created it (they poop frequently for a reason). Just like barking, or shedding fur. Shouldn't we just modify our homes for them instead of constantly trying to modify them?


I personally feel that any creature that we bring into our homes should be able to flaunt it's worst possible habits. Otherwise we are doing it an injustice. The bird did not ask to live with humans so we should at least accept it the way it is.


My birds, have play gyms and stands. They share them. Sometimes they shit on them and sometimes they don't. So, they usually dump in one general area in which I lay down newspaper. Of course, occasionally they roam and poop in unexpected areas. I don't mind cleaning up whenever it happens. I love em' and that's part of life with them.


These are just some of my thoughts. I would never personally try to get one of my birds into one of these ridiculous things.


There are certain products out there that make me feel that someone is simply out to make a buck.....this is one of the products that makes me feel that way.


Just another item to disguise the fact that a bird is a bird. Diapers for a bird? Oh boy:(

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But Dave.. what if you go places where Bird poop wouldn't be appreciated. You go to family or friends - you might be gone all day - at least with a bird suit you can take him/her with you. surely this is better than having to leave it at home.. or the grumbles under the breath as the people you visit politely put up with a bird poo-ing in their home.


I wouldn't use one on mine in my home, or anywhere where it wasn't required.. but if it was Christmas at my grans - who lives 90 miles away - i would certainly consider one. As long as the birds are happy wearing them and they aren't stressed or upset in anyway then it's not a problem surely?

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Tobie also has playstands, T-stand, covers for the back of the couch etc. and is welcolme to poop to his hearts content in these places. When I take him with me in the car for a ride or hike or to visit someone he wears a harness for his safety. He didn't stress out as much over putting the flight suit on as he does over putting on his aviator harness. The aviator harness is more comfortable for him. Thats all.

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My grey has been using the aviator since Dec last year. I don't see the harness is causing stress on her. My Grey enjoys outdoor walk with me. She is making all kind of birdies whistles and calls along the way. The harness enables her to play on her favorite playgyms in the playground. She flies from one playgym to another.

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I have never considered a flight suit, primarily because I did not want to add more "Stuff" to put on Dayo other than the harness.


Pooping in various places is not an issue with me and places we go. If it happens to be a friends house, they already know to get some towles out. :-)


We rarely take him to any house, other than our Breeders to visit and have good times.......they are used to the poop. ;-)

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What do you all think of the "feather Tether" Harness??? I got one and tried it and Calypso HATED it, I returned it. But I also know they just get some time getting use to...I am going to need a harness for calypso, like this week, So I dont have time to order an aviator harness, Which seems to be the fav here, lol, So what should I do give the tether another try? Or what? I dunno...lol


I have never seen them for sale anywhere, But Why couldnt you use the tethers that are leather that go around the ankles, Like they do for Falcons and Hawks and stuff, I mean it would be only for flying, you obviously couldnt take them for a "Walk" in one, But just for perching on your hand and flying a bit...Not that I can even get one of these, I was just curious as to what everyone thinks of them, and why you dont see them around for parrots :) Just curoius.

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That's what it was called "the feather tether" that was the inadequate harness we got with Harvey!! It's pants - there's too much fiddly bits to join, to nip your bird and TBH I think those clips are a little slack and your bird could easily open them!


I think those leg things are cruel - they could take flight and pull their hips out of joint (do parrots have hips?!). The Aviator is mint - go with that one!! ;)

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There's a big difference between a feather tether and an aviator harness. The aviator harness is used to allow a bird to fly and the length of the flight is changed as the bird gets better st it. Extentions are available for it.

A feather tether is a rope, chain, or similar restraint for holding an animal in place, allowing a short radius in which it can move about. Usually, the length is about 7 ft and a bird can't fly with it on. It's used so the bird can't go anywhere. It's similar to what's used for a dog.

The restraints that are used on predatory animals are used to keep the bird in one place, usually on a perch and are extremely short. The restraint is usually heavy duty leather. The bird always has a professional handler or trainer with the bird. The birds are also trained to not go anywhere except on command. More than likely, it's that same person who takes the photos of the predatory bird. There are no pictures of predatory birds flying in the wild with restraints on them.

Feather tethers come with a number of clips that weigh a lot and make using it uncomfortable for the bird to use.

Most aviator harnesses can be purchased online but I've seen them sold at Petsmart once in a while.

Unforunately, there's only one type of feather tether sold. It's not that the aviator harness is just popular here--they serve a completely different purpose than tethers.

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Oh well Thanks! Now I know :) Maybe they will have them at my local petsmart, Petco, or petsupermarket, although I have checked all places and havnt seen them there yet. I dont know why they dont carry them always, they sound SO much better than the tether...And I know the metal clips are aweful...The thing is so awkward. It isnt pants though. Maybe you are thinking of the one that looks like a diaper JillyBeanz...Or maybe its just a typo, lol...


Anyway, Thanks for explaining it to me, And hopefully I will be able to get the aviator.

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Sorry - North East of Englandism! Pants means not good - I've been very wary of coloquialisms up until now - just let myself down - sorry - I will refrain and talk properly - as Dave says - the Aviator allows your bird to fly and move around. The feather tether may as well be a straight jacket ;)


PS - I'd never even heard of those diaper suits before this post - it's a bit like dressing your doggie in princess outfits :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/09/02 22:10

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Ha Ha! We from a certain part of the North East of England are called "Geordies" we have our own language :laugh: Well, not language - it's still English, but it can be hard to understand the very broad accented (as other UK members will confirm)! I'm one of the posher ones tho!!! :laugh:

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