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Hello from Canada!


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I found these forums and pretty much just jumped right in and went straight to posting without and introduction. I've been kindly nudged in this direction so here I am!


My name is Abbey and I live in Manitoba, Canada. I've owned many birds in the past including Eclectus, Alexandrines, Mollies, Budgies, and Parrotlets. It wasn't until a friend of mine that told me about African Greys that I decided on owning one and so, Buddy came into my life.


I first got Buddy about 6 years ago from a breeder in Ontario. I had experiencing in weaning birds so they allowed me to take him home earlier than they normally would. We bonded and I became his best friend and companion as he did me. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, I had to pack up and leave behind all my birds to move away to a different city all together. I couldn't bring them with me because under the circumstances, I had no idea where I was going to live. My parrots were left in the care of the ex.


5 years later, the ex has finally come to his senses and shipped me Buddy on Friday night. It was about a 2 hour flight but the entire ordeal for Buddy was more like 4 hours. Understandably, he's been under some stress and has a lot of readjusting to do with a new cage, a new environment, and essentially a new caregiver.


Buddy and I are making extreme progress and I have no doubt that he remembers me now. Our bonding has gone a lot faster than I was expecting. Still need some work to do, but we're getting there.


Thank you for having us and I will post pictures soon once my camera is out of the repair shop. :laugh:

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Hello Abbey and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Buddy.


Sorry, didn't mean to nag about the introduction, you have committed no crime its just we like for new members to introduce themselves and tell us some about themselves so we can get to know you better.


I am so glad you have been reunited with Buddy once again, it seems you did have a special relationship at one time and he remembers you, that says lots about the grey.


It didn't take him long to come around but he is in a new environment so he has to have time to adjust and feel comfortable.


We have loads of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and ask questions as you already have and we will help you in any way we can.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of Buddy when you get the chance to share some.

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Thank you for encouraging me to post an introduction. :) I usually do that but I think I was extremely worried that things wouldn't work out between Buddy and I. My mind tends to do that a lot. I was imagining him just being a cage bird and me not being able to do anything with him at all, but I remember him to be very affectionate and the ex has also confirmed that he maintained an affectionate relationship with Buddy.


"Up up" or "step up" is a command he knows on the spot so I was VERY happy that even if he was unsure about me the first night I had him, all I had to do was say it and he'd have one foot up in the air waiting for my hand to come near for a perch. It's so cute when he does that!!!! :D


My bf from the US is coming to visit me tomorrow for about a week and a half. I'm not sure how Buddy is going to take it but he'll definitely be bringing a camera and I will definitely get pics! :D

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Welcome Abbey and Buddy!!


It's GreYt having you here and thanks for writing such a nice introduction. :-)


It sounds like things are progressing very nicely with the reuniting.


Looking forward to hearing more updates and seeing those photos.

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