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I called the vet about Darius


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She just returned my call. I told her about his weight and how unhappy he is about being locked in a room all by himself. She said that the quarentine was just a recomendation and that if I feel that he would be better off with the rest of the flock then its up to me. She's also very pleased that he's gaining weight so quickly. She said that it will probably slow down for awhile soon. He get fed Zupreen Macaw hand feeding formula twice a day along with the rest of his food and a vitamin supplement that the vet prepared for him. So I'm sure he's fine. I'm going to keep him in the same room he is in for now and just open the door so he can come and visit when he wants too. Here's a picture of him getting some fresh air through the screen door


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Ah thanks every one Im not doing anything more than any of you would do under the same circustanses. I went over to his previous owners house yesterday because she had asked me if I would take a few picture of him for her. I guess she didn't have many. So I went to take her some and she said he look different and really happy. I said he is really happy. I reassured her that he's getting everything a bird could possibly ever want. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. She found a home for the Cockatoo so I was happy about that she only has her Amazon now so hopefully she will be able to afford just one bird and give it every thing he needs. Apperantly thats her favorite she can do anything with it I know shes the only one of the birds that had a brand new cage and toys and thing so she probly got special treatment when it came to food as well she was really petite for a Dyh I must say she was about the size of a Timnah African Grey.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/02 06:02

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It's quite sad really isn't it, the owner wasn't actually intentionally cruel to Darious, just ignorant or possibly overwhelmed by these demanding birds. For her to request photos and be visibly upset it is obvious she loved him in her own way but it isn't enough to simply love an animal/bird. From Darious's point of view it couldn't have worked out better.

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I must say that Darius is really starting to shine. when I first brought him home his feather's where beautiful but they had absolutely no shine to them they where dull and flat I don't know how to describe it. I was playing on the couch with him this morning wrestling and rolling him around he likes to be on his back like Adaya does. any way I noticed he's getting some real shine to his feathers now its not brilliant yet but the shine is definitely starting to come through. He's a wonderful companion he so gentle and so loving and he starting to get more playful now also.

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