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Cute quiet... confusing Yoshi


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So I'm probably just being a worry wort again but I don't know... Yoshi is so cute... so lovable... and so quiet... and I'm starting to wonder about the quiet part. I've never heard him squawk loud at all, almost always the tiny squeaks... he pipes up a bit if say he is on his playstand and I am doing something interesting sounding in the kitchen and wants to join me... but even that isn't very loud, nothing like my Quaker Parrot used to be. Often he is completely silent if say I am in his room studying or something. Yoshi is almost 5 months old now, don't know if he is still a quiet baby or something?


Also, while he is eating plenty pellets and seeds and bits of fruit and veggies and cereal, etc. he is still accepting his baby food, I guess not completely weaned. The breeder said he would surely be rejecting it in 2 weeks tops, but it has been two weeks and while eating less, he still likes it. Will he eventually refuse it or what? Yoshi seems to eat all day too, like that's his favorite thing to do in life. Is he just a growing bird, or do I need to regulate his foods more?


Also, goofy Yoshi is still sleeping on his bowls, rarely on his multiple perches, rarely eating or drinking in his cage just on the playtop, and still doesn't really play with his numerous toys in his cage at all.


He seems like a happy baby, gets lots of love, goes to my husband for scratches all the time, loves pistachios, is still undecided whether he loves or hates getting wet I believe... nothing wrong really.


Lol he isn't fond of our new Roomba Discovery robot vacuum for automatic cleaning we bought today. It's loud and when it bumped into his cage he glided/crash landed across the room in fright. I think tomorrow I'll introduce him to it slowly, let him poop on it ans stand on it and then hold him while it cleans a bit. He seems very brave, not much freaks him out. I try to say "Your Okay" as I do anything loud or move anything big, or when I save him from the place he has crash landed at, so hopefully he will understand that everything is alright :P


I love my Yoshi :P

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Yoshi sounds wonderful and perfectly normal. Whisper was also very quiet at that age. Hence the name "Whisper". She is 21 months now and a lot more vocal and outgoing. If fact sometimes I find it hard to watch t.v. for all the noise she is making.:)

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Yoshi sounds very cute. Befor i got my cag i read that every grey's personality is different just like every persons personality is different. Maybe your yoshi is a quiet bird, or maybe his personality is still coming out.


My cag is very vocal, but will not respond to other ppl in the house besides me. About the porridge, my leia just refused it a week ago after alot of worrying on my part. i thought she was just greedy and would never refuse it, but carried on offering it to her despite the fact that i had a feeling she was too old for it, and she did refuse it, one day out of the blue. im sure yoshi will refuse it, dont panic, it may just take a little longer for him than other birds. i dont think you should stop him until he stops himself. My cag is a little over 4 months, maybe yoshi will stop when hes 6, but i suggest being pateint until he stops by himself.


and about sleeping on his bowl, we had to force leia to learn to sit on her perches, we used to worry alot, she didnt even attempt to climb until she was over 3 months. just give him time, he may be a slow learner. everything will fall into place im sure, dont worry too much :)

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Yoshi is perfectly normal in the broad range of Grey personalities and also due to being so young.


Like Chars Grey Whisper, Dayo was also VERY quite and laid back for the most part.


One thing on Yoshi still enjoying hand feeding, some will continue to enjoy it forever. There is absolutely nothing wrong with providing it and does not indicate your Grey is not weaned. IN fact, just the statement of all the foods Yoshi is eating, indicates he or she is in fact fully weaned.


The Robotic vacuum I am sure is a scary sight for bird or any other critter. It's just not natural..... :P


Can't wait to hear the DNA results!! :-)

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