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Blue Throated Macaw


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Hello, does anyone here own a blue throated macaw? My husband and I are going to be able to complete our flock next spring and get a macaw. We have small and medium, just need the large ;) I've always wanted a BTM, but info on them as pets is rather hard to find. Where do owners go to get in depth info? Also, I have heard several times that they are more mechanically minded than other macaws and require special locks to keep them in the cage, but I cant find any of these magical locks online. I dont like the idea of a padlock, it makes it too hard to quickly get your bird in an emergency (like house fire). Any suggestions? It will probably take us a few years to locate the bird, as we will be wanting to adopt and not get a baby, that said, if anyone hears of a BTM looking for a new forever home, please let us know. We are willing to travel to get the bird.



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Darius is somwhat of an escape artist as well so I've opted for nickel plated quick locks. so far he has not been able to open them from inside the cage and let me tell you he has tried I can get them off in a second so in case of an emergency they are perfect. I love the Blue throat Macaws they are beautiful and not quite as large as the B&G If you put a couple ads on Kiiji and Craiglist saying that you are looking for one I'm sure you will get responces before you know it as long as your willing to pay an adoption fee its amazing how many people are willing to part with their pets for a few bucks these days. There are just 2 many people with throwaway mentality's these days

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I came across a craig's list type of adoption site once. I can't remember the name but I was searching for a Hyacinth Macaw (in love with that bird!:P) in hopes of finding one that needed to be rehomed quickly and cheaply. Obviously I ran into more scams than anything offering to send them from cameroon, africa if only I help them ship the bird. Of course the ones that were legitimate adoption offers wanted nothing shy of 8000 dollars or more. I'll try and do some digging and find the website because I know aside from the scams for the REALLY popular birds the website overall had some pretty legitimate adoption offers of a wide variety of birds. Just be sure if you happen to find a bird to adopt to try and check into the seller and of course use the most secure money transfer method possible.


Pretty sure this is the one I used. I remember a second one but I hope this one helps you in your search.

WEBSITE: http://www.petfinder.com/local.html<br><br>Post edited by: Moobu, at: 2009/08/31 08:03

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Oh Jen, I'm also looking to complete my flock in April next year - with a little Hahn's Macaw - I can hardly wait so I know you must be excited. I wish my house was big enough to accomodate a large Macaw, they are amazing birds.


As for the Hyacinth, wow don't start me on those, they are magnificent!

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Yes, Hys are great, but I can spend 10 grand on a bird or 10 grand to build an awesome outdoor enclosure for all of my birds, and the ones I already have take priority. Also, We like taking our birds out a lot to run errands and a Hy is just too big for that, The little guys and a BTM will fit on a shoulder and not be too intimidating for strangers. Thanks for the ideas guys!


Have fun with your Hahns! I love those little guys. its odd, but the beaks on the small birds scare me a lot more than the big ones. The small macaw beaks are so fast and pointy! I do love the personalities though, and they are GORGEOUS little emeralds running around with ruby baguettes on their shoulders. I have a riddle for you.....


Q:Where do Mini Macaws go to get their Bird Talk Magazine?

A: Hahns and Noble

Heheheheheheheheheh ;)

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Hi Jen If you can't find a BTM would you be willing to settle for another type of Macaw like a B&G or maybe a hybrid Or maybe even a Red front Macaw they are absolutly beautiful birds I'd love to have one and they are just the perfect size for taking them out every where with you.

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They are very hard to find and are in fact a VERY endangered species in the wild.


Here is a videos of them in the wild:




For Sale:










Enjoy!! :-)

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We love Blue and golds and Green Wings, dont know much about red fronts (I haven't ever seen one in person) Our decision to get a blue throat was that we wanted a larger macaw, but we didnt want a bird so huge that we wouldnt be able to transport it. I have a small car, and while I can fit a carrier for a blue throat in the back seat, room for a green wing or blue and gold carrier doesnt exist back there.We enjoy a very active social life with our birds, and would hate to have to leave one behind because it was just too darn big. I'm also concerned with a huge macaw being too intimidating for strangers. Perhaps I'm totally wrong about that one, but I imagine to a non bird person, something 3 feel long with a beak the size of a baseball could be a bit scary. If any of you can suggest a comfy carrier, strong enough for a larger bird that will fit on the back sit of a small car, I'd be more than happy to explore that avenue. I used to babysit a catalina and a camelot a few years ago and they were a lot of fun!

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Could you not just harrness and leash the bird into the back seat rather than a carrier I'm working on harness training Darius so I can take him with me he has no problem perching on my shoulder and I'm very petite I figure he can sit in the back seat and I'll secure him to the baby carseat holders. I have a small car also nissan nx so I know how it is. I think any large bird including a BTM is going to be intimadating to some people but I find that most people are just fasinated and want to know all about them. It gives me a chance to tell peaple that they are not the kind of pet to have unless you are prepared for a large bird that is very smart very destructive and that can and will bite if its not happy. It takes a ton of money, time, and work to have a loving companion bird they are like haveing a two or three year old child around for the rest of your life.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/01 23:30

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I was just thinking about the travel cage that I used for Darius yesterday for getting his nails clipped and If you wated to get a larger macaw this cage would probably fit in your back seat just fine its a 18x18x24tall Cockateil cage and I can even get the seat belts around it. Just a thought


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danmcq wrote:

They are very hard to find and are in fact a VERY endangered species in the wild.


Here is a videos of them in the wild:




For Sale:










Enjoy!! :-)


Regarding the link for BirdFarm...Stay Away! That is the place I got the sick BFA that I had to return. They told me a lot of lies regarding the rearing of the bird. They are nothing more than bird brokers! I could go on and on if anyone wants details.

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