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Dog biscuits(good or bad)


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Dog biscuits, now I hadn't thought of that, I really don't know but I would imagine it would have safe ingredients but I would not let him have too much just in case it has something greys shouldn't have. Maybe you could find a grey safe treat that looks like a dog biscuit and give it to him when you give the dog the biscuit.

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Thanks Judygram. I,ve been reading a few past threads, and most people seems to be feeding there AG ON PELLETS, i HAVE TRIED EVERY PET STORE i could find in belfast and most didn't even know of a parrot pellet food never mind stock it... If anyone can piont me in the right direction of a good web site in the uk.

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Guest Lidia

They can have the odd one, for fun, but it's no good as a substitute for a pellet or other diet, it doesn't contain the right minerals and supplements and vitimins for birds. But they do occasionally like them. Be sure not to give cat food as this is far too high in protein for birds (and dogs!).

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Lidia, thanks for the great information. This was a topic that came up the other day in my house. I was going to ask, but you guys beat me to it! Thanks!! :P


Miltie, glad to hear you're okay, you're not fetching balls either are you?? {Sports-000200FF}

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Lidia wrote:

They can have the odd one, for fun, but it's no good as a substitute for a pellet or other diet, it doesn't contain the right minerals and supplements and vitimins for birds. But they do occasionally like them. Be sure not to give cat food as this is far too high in protein for birds (and dogs!).

yes that is what i was thinking lidia

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Guest Lidia

miltie wrote:

I ate a dog biscuit on a bet one time. I didnt bark, scratch myself or lick myself ...

Haha! That made me laugh out loud, karma for you! Just out of curiosity, how did it taste?

Dog biscuits are, in general, safe because they tend to be meal/cereal based rather than protein based (pig snouts, ears, rabbit bottoms, etc). Dogs can be healthy on a completely vegetarian diet whereas cats are dedicated carnivores.



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My Grandad says i used to eat the dogs biscuits when i was a todler, cant remember wot they tasted like. Maybe thats why im so hairy now i've grown up, well i use the term grown up loosely, should say got older

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Thats right, Shawzy4, never say old on this forum, its always older, but look at it this way, you are only as old as you feel, and if you survived eating dog biscuits when young, then you are ok, hair and all.

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :sick: :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

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Guest Monique

I wouldn't feed dog biscuits because there are generally chemicals and non-human grade products used in them. They may cause no harm to the bird but I would be hesitant to experiment.

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