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Hi, I am Dan.

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Hello! My name is Dan. I like short walks on the beach because I am lazy and my legs get tired. I am looking for a pretty young grey to call my own.

I do not have a grey yet but I plan on getting one in around a years time. I have been reading the posts and FAQ's and decided to go a head and say hello to everyone and set up an account for questions I have along my process of getting ready for my new bird. I have had some experince with birds before. When I was younger my parents had a Blue and Gold, cockatiel x2, cockatoo, and an amazon. I have been torn as to what kind of bird to get but I have I think decided on an african grey. I was orginaly looking at a blue and gold, then a grey, then a cockatoo, then a grey, then a grey.... then a grey. My parents had a grey before I was born and would tell me funny stories about how the grey would trick my dad, and the dog he didn't like.

I would like to lay out the set up for said grey and get any advice with any potential problems. I am aware that greys tend to pick one person as its mate and will shun or down right attack others. In about a years time I will be in an apartment living with my girl friend and more than likely a small breed dog. I am a little worried about Mr. Grey only letting one of us near it, mainly rejecting me as I am the one who is the bigger bird lover.

Its nice to meet everyone and I love reading the replys on this board!

Thank you for your time and reading my lengthy poorly spelt/worded first post!


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Hello Dan and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you want to add to your life.


You are doing the right thing in finding out all you can to prepare yourself for a lifetime committment for these birds can live to 50+ years.


Greys do tend to pick one favorite person but that doesn't mean they hate other family members, my grey is bonded to me but she is tolerating of my hubby, she is slowly becoming more accepting of him but he can't do things to her that I can do. Even if your grey does prefer your gf over you it doesn't mean you can't have a good relationship with him/her just different.


Please continue to read thru the many threads as you will find loads of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Thanks for the warm welcome! I was at a pet store out of town with my g/f and they had to greys in a cage/box... they seemed interested in contact, but when you tried to rub their head/neck they would go for your finger, but where more than willing to step up. Kind of odd.. the greys at my hometown pet store are the total other way around. They will let you pet them but have no interest in stepping up. Once on my arm they would somewhat let me rub them but one bit my thumb pretty good. As I stated before my girlfriend hasn't had really any time with birds, so she was glad in a way to see a new side of the birds. Not really a question, just something that happened to me that popped in my head so I typed it. Hope everyone is having a good/safe day!

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You have to understand that birds in pet stores are exposed to anyone who comes into the store and that includes idiots who know nothing about birds and how to handle them so you never know what to expect from them. Most usually do like their neck scratched and a lot of them will be more than willing to give you a bite but they are all individuals so you will see variances in behavior.

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Oh yeah... I have learned even two identical birds in the same room at a store can be like night and day. I had one grey who I think fell in love with me.. got right on my hand, let me pet him (the one in the pic actually) really enjoyed being scratched, enjoyed climbing around on me, and kept coming back to me after I put him down, but his brother wanted NOTHING to do with me.. he would run away.. hiss, bite.. poor guy was probably dropped by some stupid kid and is now scared to death of people. Really sad that some of these places don't seem to monitor who is handling or how these animals. I guess no point in ranting about it here.. everyone I am sure knows this all to well.

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