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Darius is gaininig weight quick


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I weighed him this morning after his big bomb and before he had breakfast he's gained quite a bit. He is weighing in 854 grams now which I think is Pretty good he should weigh somewhere between 1100 and 1300 gr normal weight for his size so he still has a ways to go but if he keeps gaining the way he has been he sould be threre within the next 2or3 months. I'm very happy with this so far I also noticed he is allot more active now wanting to check things out when I go into his room now he is useally standing right by the door wanting to get out. Where as before he was happy to play on his play top or on his gym. I'm going to phone the vet tomorrow and tell her about his weight and about how unhappy he is about being in a room by himself and see if I can't give him a little repreive from this quarentine it seems to be causeing him more stress then it would to be out with the other birds. He's not sick so I don't see the problem and he has gained almost 200 grams which is what she wanted to see him do before she allowed him any contact with the out side world so to speak he only short about 22 grams to get to that 200 gram mark.

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Wow he is doing a remarkable recovery on weight gain and he should be at his goal in a couple of months if not sooner. I do hope the vet will allow you to let him come out with the rest of the fids, he just wants to be a part of the flock.


Thanks Pat for another great update on Darius, you should be very proud of him and yourself, I know I am.

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