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Babie Macaw Mash Time! Photo's..


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Jay I have a question. Is one of the babies a Green wing Macaw and if so which one is the bigger bird the Green wing or the Harlequin My vet said that many times the Hybrids are bigger than their parent birds. and that often the Harlequins are very large and can reach the size of a HY I just wondered if you think the Harequin baby is going to be bigger than the Green wing baby? Darius is 40 inches long and my vet says he could get up to 1300 or 1400 grams easy. he's a really big bird. he destroyed a 25.00 huge toy in 9 hours it would have taken my other birds 2 years to destroy a toy like that.LOL

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:) The babies are, a Harlequin, a Ruby and a Scarlet, I believe the hybrids to be generally larger birds, due to genetics an from what I've seen...Under favorite foods, Toy's are # 1.:P At 15 days old they weighed 62 grams, and now they perch on your arm instead of a finger:woohoo:
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