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I think I just heard Linus drop the F-Bomb...


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So yeah.... I wasn't paying undivided attention to him at the time so I can't be sure. But this is probably the second time I suspect I might have heard it.


We don't swear THAT vulgar around here as humans. We may use the occasional casual word here and there.. I know exactly where he has been hearing it from though. My brother plays Call of Duty on his PS3 and keeps the living room TV rather loud when he can get away with it. They seem to like to use that word a couple of different ways in that game....


Does anyone have tips on how to untrain words? lol

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#1 Do as Judy said.


#2 Stop the game and anyone from using that word.


#3 Replace it with "Fudge". IN other words, if something goes wrong, bad, upsetting etc. say "Fudge".


I had a problem with two words close to God-Dangit and Shoot. My son and family come over sometimes and used those words often...which they know are NOT to be used in this house.

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I hate that so much. I have a Amazon that has a terrible potty mouth she came from an abusive home where there was allot of fighting all the time and if you raise your voice even the slightest bit in anger (I have a 14 yr old daughter) she goes off on her spiel of the filthiest name calling word that are enough to make a sailor cover their ears. I've had her for 8 years and she never hears that language in my home. and most of the time she doesn't use it either its only when she hears someone get angry I guess I'll have it always with her its part of her past (sigh)

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