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Update on Stazel + questions/picts


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Stazel is doing wonderfully.

This morning she got to watch me from a distance pressure spray her cage and perches down. She talked the entire time, she loves the sun light.


She can say her name, and a lot of phrases used around the house; such as "MOOOM" "bark bark bark STOP" "Captain's a GOOOOOOD boy" (which the good boy happens to be a lot nicer to hear then the "BAD DOG" my quaker spits out in context) and ect. She's picking up words fast, last night she was in the other room making the coffee grinder noise. Luckily, its a lot softer then the real thing.. we'll see if it stays that way.


The nipping has almost completely stopped, with the exception of getting very angry when she gets wet. She enjoys biting threw ice cubes, almost as much as she likes to watch them fall and shatter all over the floor. Any food she doesn't want, she throws to the ground to watch the dogs eat.



1. What do you feed your bird along the lines of pellots. We have about half a bad left of what the original owner gave us, and want to start mixing it in with a. roudybush, or b. Kaytee Exact Natural along with ZuPreem AvianMaintenance FruitBlend. She seems to really like that fruit blend, and loves soaking them in the water bowl before eating them.

2. How do you bathe your bird? Do you use just water, or are you mixing aloe in with it? Stazel HATES getting wet. You'd think we were killing her or something. Anyway to make bath time a little more enjoyable for her?




Playing with her favorite toy, also the cheapest. Go figure.




And, my dog. He felt left out because he didn't get his own post. So I told him i'd post his picture.


P9280098.jpg -- This is him jumping off the water fall edge onto his favorite raft. BTW, his name is Captain America.

PA270020-1.jpg -- He has team spirit. Go RAYS!





In other news. The dog who gave birth in my neighbors closet is doing better. One of the puppies died, the other one is being handfed every three hours, plus a little milk from the mother.<br><br>Post edited by: stephjls, at: 2009/08/30 20:28

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I feed all of my birds the Avian Maintenance fruit blend and they all really seem to like it. I have heard nothing but good things from everyone I've talked to about their pellet line. I hear the bland tan pellets are a little better for them than the fruit blend is. I get the fruit blend because it is available in 20 lb bags that last me a year.

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Stazel LOVES the fruit blend. All except for the purple pieces, :woohoo:


I plan to mix that in with the other pellots, just haven't decided which brand. Hopefully she'll eat both. She seems to be picking the seeds out of the food her original owner gave her. At least she's eating the fruit pellots along with it. I can't wait to get her off that stuff.

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Great pics of your Bird and dog. grey't update also I so glad he settleing in well. I feed my birds Zupreen fruity pellets they are the only kind I can get them all to eat and enjoy. I figure if it works why change it for a while I was buying every kind of pellet out there I have 1/2 bags of about 6 different types including Harrisons. my birds wouldn't touch them so I've gone back to the Zupreem Fruity and thats where I'm staying they like it thats all that matters and its got what they need to stay healthy and happy.

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stephjls wrote:

Stazel LOVES the fruit blend. All except for the purple pieces, :woohoo:


I plan to mix that in with the other pellots, just haven't decided which brand. Hopefully she'll eat both. She seems to be picking the seeds out of the food her original owner gave her. At least she's eating the fruit pellots along with it. I can't wait to get her off that stuff.


Why are you mixing two different types of pellets? I understand the transitioning and mixing from the current food to the new food. But you sound like you intend on offering a hybrid mix of 2 brands of pellets as the final meal. I'm just curious to know what this would accomplish. I'm also curious to know would the variance in the two formulas cause any concern for the diet?

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Stazel sounds like a wonderful Grey!!


I love the photos and update on her. :-)


#1 Feed her whatever pellets she eats the best. You can call and get samples sent from some of the manufactures. Also, mixing pellets together or offering different types on different days is good to and mixes it up making it a little more exciting for them in the food department. Also try some of the "Spicy" pellets which they like also.


#2 I bath Dayo with water first to get him wet all over. Then I spray him with 100 percent Aloe Juice full strength to help his skin become supple and less itchy. I do all this in his cage. he hates water and thee cage is the only place I have him trapped. :-)

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When Schroeder doesnt want a bath and needs one, Ill gently mist him to get him damp and set out a pyrex baking dish with water, frozen peas and some glass rocks. Once he is damp, he must figure like finishing the job because he dives right in and makes an unholy mess. Our senegal does the same thing. SOAKED is bad, but only partially soaked is waaaaaaaaay worse.

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What a gorgeous girl!!!! Captain America is just too cute as well...


We have fed Chimay the Zupreem fruitblend, and that is what his breeder had weaned him onto. He absolutely loves it. I'd actually fat-fingered my keyboard while placing an order last month at www.birdsafestore.com for a new bag of pellets, and wound up with the tan colored ones which he poo-poo'd big time. What's funny about him and his fruitblend pellets, is he seems to have a "color of the day" each day. Some days he really goes for the orange ones, some days red, some days purple. Lol! I can always tell what "day" it is by the poopie stains on his newspaper.


I spray Chimay at least 3 times per week with full potency Aloe Vera juice....I don't water it down b/c our apartment is all electric heat/cooling and I don't want his skin to get dried out as a result. Most days he REALLY just wants nothing to do with it, but on occasion (usually right after I replace water in his tree-stand bowl) he'll start playing in his water dish and I take the opportunity to start spraying. When I catch him in that kind of mood he LOVES it and gets a really good soaking. I also take him to the shower with me every day to let him stand on the shower door and soak up a bit of steam (I like really hot showers and he seems to like the steam quite a bit). Maybe you could try letting Stazel perch on the shower rod/door while you shower. I wouldn't put her in the path of the water, but maybe just being around it and watching you enjoy the water will alleviate some of the anxiety she feels when getting wet.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/09/02 18:19

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