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Could you ever stuff your passed on pet?


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I know it is a very weird question but I've heard stories of people who have done it. Personally I don't think I could bare to look at any of my birds in statue form. :dry: It would bring back way too many memories.


On one hand I can respect the aspect of preserving your pets beauty eternally in its prime. On the other hand I can only picture somebody who has trouble letting things go in life doing such a desperate act to keep their pet with them in any way they can. Also I imagine a lot of people would regard this as a disrespectful way to lay your pet to rest.


Anybody else care to give their opinion on the practice?

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No offense intended to those of you who have either had your pets stuffed, or plan to....


My PERSONAL opinion is that it's a bit creepy...my grandfather had a deer buck head in his house (still there to this day) which I hated as a kid, and stuffing a pet is just a little too closely related to that. I could never treat the memory of my pet in the same manner as one would a hunting trophy. Whenever that dreaded day comes I do plan to have my pet cremated/buried as I would for any cherished family member.


When my childhood cat passed away, we had her cremated and the veterinarian's office put together a very nice box for her, with a card containing her pawprint and a small swatch of her fur tied together with a little pink ribbon at no charge. It was a very nice gesture and meant a lot to us.

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I have many animals stuffed in my house compliments of my hubby, a proud hunter. There are numerous deer and other similar mounted heads, half a bear, full mounts of turkeys, ducks, goose, a mink, coyote, bobcat, coon and red fox and they are scattered over most of the house. In fact the majority of them are in the same room that my bird's cages reside and were there before the birds came and they are used to them being there.


But that doesn't mean I would ever stuff one of my birds when they die, for one thing those animals we have stuffed were taken in the prime of their life and if I were to lose one of my birds it would probably be because they were sick or became injured and died as a result of that injury. But even if my bird died period for whatever reason I would never do that, she would be buried properly and I would have her memories and her pictures to cherish for the rest of my days.

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I hate the whole idea of stuffing animals. I particularly hate the idea of so called hunters killing and stuffing animals. The only good reason to hunt is for food.

Hunting for sport is simply unspeakable to me. If any "hunters" are offended by this then that is the very least they deserve.

I would much prefer to keep photos or paintings of lost and departed loved ones

If you are happy to keep your departed wife, husband, child or pet as a stuffed memento then good luck to you. I would prefer to let them rest in peace.


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/08/30 23:23

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No. I wouldnt want to see Schroeder staring at me vacantly through glass eyes, not playing and not having fun. I wouldnt be able to watch him get dusty and his feathers fade and dry out. I wouldnt be able to bear to see him and not pick him up and snuggle and huff his birdy smell. I couldnt tickle a hard body knowing it was once squishy and reactive. No no no no no.

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