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Hi everyone!


I got a Grey about 6 years ago when he was still a baby. Buddy was the most loving bird ever to me. We were bonded and he really thought of me as his one and only. He would be so excited to see me home from work and want my attention immediately. He'd allow me to scratch his head and touch him all over (beak, head, body, under the wings, etc.) without any fuss, extremely tame. He never bit down on my hand at all, only using his beak to anchor himself if he needed to. Unfortunately, due to personal issues, I had to leave the home I was in and after 5 years he and I are reunited again (as of yesterday).


Quite obviously, the bond is not there anymore so what I was wondering is, is it possible to recreate the bond we once had? If so, what must I do to achieve this? I know our bond the first time around was built around me weaning him and having a lot of contact but I can't apply that to the current situation since he is already grown. Any advice would be appreciate. I would really love to have the relationship we once had.


Thanks in advance for your replies!

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You need to search your brain thoroughly over and over ans try to remember the special things he took to way back when. Some of those things may have been more special than others and you need to rise those things to the surface. It will take time though but you need to remember on major thing here. The bird was bonded to you for one year and that bonding was going on when the bird was a baby. That's the easiest time to bond. Now 5 yrs later he's an adult and has bonded to others. Having an exact same bond that was from yesterday to the same bond today 9sn't easy if not impossible. You may have to bond with the bird in a different way now. He's not a baby now and what he liked back then may be totally different. Also, the basic personality of a grey changes by the time they get to the age of 5,6,7 yrs old. Look upon him right now as a new bird who you need to make friends with. Take it slow and easy.

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You sound very happy to have your old companion back. However, Buddy is a whole different bird now and you need to respect him as such. You wouldn't want to be treated as "Aunt Millie" treated you as a five year old would you???? :ohmy: ;) As Dave said if you can remember some special things that you and Buddy enjoyed years ago, I would give them a try and your older Buddy may still enjoy them. Can't wait to see some pictures of Buddy and hear more about him!

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Thank you so much for all your replies. :)


I just wanted to post that as of last night, Buddy has finally accepted me and trusts me enough to give him scritches!! I was SOOOOOOO happy. He's been snuggling with me too while sitting on my shoulder. He bows down his head under my chin. OMG! I'm so happy! :D The bonding process did not take long at all. I got him on Friday night, and Monday night he was all mine. :D

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I'll have to add that it must have been a nighttime thing. I spent time with him this morning and he was very interested in seeing me and spending time with me, but no scritches lol *sigh* I'm still happy that he's allowed me to finally touch him but I think he's still nervous about his new surroundings so anything makes him jumpy.

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Yes more of them are willing to accept more touching, especially some snuggling if they allow it at nighttime maybe right before going down for the night. I know my Josey is more receptive of it then but at least you are making progress.


I am sure he remembers you but he is in new surroundings and he will need some time to settle down and feel comfortable but you are making great progress with him, just continue what you are doing and don't force anything with him.


Now about that introduction in the welcome room.:whistle:

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