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Sad, sad sad....


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Makes me worry about what he would/did do if a child was annoying him during some precious Nascar race...


If that'd happened to me and someone shot our Chimay with a BB gun, they'd probably have to haul me off to jail in the same car as that idiot b/c I'd for sure get charged with assault. :angry:


Aside from the speed of the cars themselves, the events of a Nascar race are rather slow paced. Did he REALLY have to pay that much attention to the television?

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This kind of stuff drives me nuts. I remember kids when I was growing up doing mean things to animals. Shooting the geese and ducks with bb guns, this one scum bag put a cat in a sack and beat it to death with a golf club. One kid took a skate board and beat to death a wild rabbit. Makes me sick that people have such disregard for other life. Its sad that these actions aren't punished as harshly as if it where a human victim. Maybe people would be less likely to cause pain and suffering to another living being.

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