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My Toy is going to get wet this Sunday with luck, and hopefully with all the new mods It will work.


The mods;

A new complete prop shaft of a stronger metal and a larger diameter with better bearings and drive unit. A new set of 3, better, servos with faster responce, a new radio box I made myself and a new ignition cut off linked to the transmitter I designed myself, a new 3 blade prop and drive tube.


So all in all a much better drive train and control, all I need now is somebody to show me how to handel this beast, power is nothing without control !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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The weather was absolutly fantastic clear sky, sun very hot 24c, and I got a bit burnt on my bald patch.


The first problem was getting there the motorway was solid with nerds :mad: going to the beach to fry in oil.


The lake was very calm, :D the second problem was the servos where reversed because I droped the transmitter last week and broke it, this switched the changover switches to reverse so I had to do some lakeside adjustments ahem :o.

The first run went ok but it was very hairy because the new 3 blade prop gave awsom acceleration and I could not control it, so in for a prop change back to 2 blade.


The ignition cut off I invented worked 100% so I was happy about that because after the brown trouser moment with the 3 blade prop, I was able to shut it off before it mounted the bank and created havoc with the sun bathing tottie the other side of the lake which I hardley noticed was there :rolleyes::cool:


Any way I got one of the young lads to vid the next run with everything working as it should, started up launched it, got a few good high speed passes and I here a little voice say, excuse me, Bernie there is no tape in the camera.


Yep I had left it at home 1.gif4.gif8.gif


SORRY 5.gif

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Ahhh Bernie I love it, don't need no Sunday morning cartoons to keep me smiley I have my own Keystone Cop!!!!! So sorry, trying hard not to snicker but doggone it, you make it so easy. Seriously I'm happy, happy, happy you got your problems sorted outas things went on and I look forward to a successful next weekend perhaps????? Always one of your Babes, Janet

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Oh Bernie - what you like!!! Any way, good to hear your cut off invention worked, and well done for not being distracted by the tottie - that could have been disasterous!!! Just remember the tape the next time!!

I will put a new tape in my vid cam and it will be for tottie sorry Toy films only, I promise.

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