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NO worries at all.


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I was wondering if any of you have a parrot who refuses to bite you or cause you pain under any circumstances. i.e towelling, nail filing, etc.


In my household it is Sachi my white capped pionus. She is always extremely gentle even she is very displeased with me. I find that incredibly amazing considering that she has a very strong beak. I don't even have to work at reading her body language and don't fear her beak in any way.


With Emma my grey, I am hyper sensitive and always on alert for any non compliant signs from her. From there I immediately go into negotiation mode with her in order to have a happy and painfree outcome.


Emma really has me trained doesn't she?:blush:

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Well I don't know about refuses but Josey has not bitten me at all, she has never caused me any pain unless you count the times she has been on my back and her nails dug into my flesh. She was even on my arm one day and lost her balance and she was clawing my skin and grabbed ahold of my arn but she didn't bite down, it was with just enough to hold on. She has been very gentle with me so far and I have never given her a reason to bite. She has nudged me and grabbed my finger before but never with any pressure to cause any pain, she has never drawn blood.


I count myself lucky, very lucky with her, some birds are quick to bite and do so to show their displeasure but she has been a sweetheart so far, maybe time will tell, she may change at any time I realize but I will handle that when and if it comes.

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Now my sun conure Sunny is a completely different story, she will bite in a heartbeat, she gets pissed easy and she bites me but has never drawn blood. She did bite one of my granddaughters though, didn't bring blood but it hurt like heck, left a mark for a while and to this day she can't stand to be near her.

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You sound very lucky Judy when it comes to Josey:P . In Emma's case ...biting usually occurs when she isn't in the mood to do something that I ask her to do ... example step off of her Atom. Obviously her way of telling me to bugger off and leave her alone to play.:angry:


I have since learned that she will do just about anything I ask as long as there is something in it for her.. therefore I have also learned to verbalize ALOT more with Emma.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/29 23:11

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My grey will grab my finger quite hard if I take no notice of his warnings,that is easy solved,I watch so no bites. The tiel is another matter,he will bite for fun if he is in the mood.Most of the time now he is very gentle though. I think he is starting to grow up a bit,not before time,he is two and a half now.

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I think Josey kind of growls instead of biting me to get her point across. It is not the loud frightening growl they make when they are truly scared but a low growl that lets me know she doesn't like what I am doing or doesn't want me handling her at that moment. I respect that and I don't push her so she has never resorted to biting me, lucky me.

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My Amazon Fergie will never ever bite me she is as gentle as can be with he beak when it comes to me even when she doesn't want to dosomething and i force the issue until she get into display mode and eyes pinning.She still won't bite but will useually just back down and comply. Sometime she'll take flight but not often. She is the sweetest bird I have ever met.

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