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Hello, New around here. *EDITED TO ADD PICS!*


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Hoping to make many friends and become a active part of the community.


My name is Brad. I'm 22 years old and happily engaged to my high school sweet heart of 5 years. Her name is Hannah and we have embarked together on the wondrous journey known as raising feather babies.


We currently have a flock of 6 birds that we've owned ranging from 4 years to 3 months.




Barney - Our 26 year old Congo African Grey. We have owned him for about 3 months now and just finished paying a whole 800 dollars for him, his cage, his brother Linus,(not by blood)as well as Linus's cage. He is a complete goofball who insists on blowing raspberries on your hand before stepping up. I would consider him aggressively affectionate as he seems to get easily wound up. He doesn't talk but I'm pretty sure he tries to make gargled robotic sounding attempts at words he heard from a broken speech toy.



Linus - Our 21 year old Congo African Grey. He was purchased with Barney and has a very frightened and timid nature. He is very talkative and curious also. He absolutely HATES being touched anywhere but his beak which you are allowed to extensively rub. Hannah is one of the only people to ever give him a head scratch in at least 5 years. He has bonded with her on a level that is quite amazing. His chest only contains down feathers due to a plucking incident before I obtained him. He also has a unique scar on his beak I am told he received as a very young bird. He apparently got anxious to try out his new wings, fell off of his cage, and cracked his beak! 20 years later and all is well! =) He absolutely LOVES Jalapeno Yogurt Covered Peanuts!



Onyx (Ony)- Our 2 year old Nanday Conure. He has an absolutely stunning color in his feathers. We consider him a rescue bird because we purchased him from a lady who inherited him, among about 12 other birds, through her father's passing. She had absolutely ZERO bird experience and we are certain he would have died from her lack of knowledge if we hadn't stepped in. He was hatched by this ladies father and raised having contact with 1 human most of his life. His hatch date is March 31st. He has a strong dislike for all women which I'm assuming developed from never seeing one for most of his life. He takes the award for the vocalist of the flock by a long shot. VERY active in his singing and squawking. ESPECIALLY if large objects are moving.



Sunshine (Sunny) - Our 2 year old Lutino Cockatiel. Sunny has a disposition that is unbelievable. He absolutely refuses to bite. He opens his mouth and pecks people, but he has NEVER EVER bitten anybody. Not even total strangers. An absolute snuggle bug, he is a riot to have sitting on your chest. He never fails to come up with creative ways to ask for a head scratch. Speaking of.. he expects his head scratches to last at least 30 minutes straight. He is fully flighted and harness trained. I take him all over town with me from parades, to the mall, wal mart, walks in the park, and even out of town to neighboring cities. He has a dime sized bald spot right behind his plume that has never grown a signle feather and most likely never will.



Daisy - Our 2 year old budgie that was originally my mothers bird. She is bright yellow covered in black speckles. She is a very scared bird that is not really sure she ever wants to interact with human contact despite many attempts. She lives in the same roomy cage as Cloe and we are guessing her strong bond she has formed with Cloe is a factor in her rejection toward us. She is a textbook tag along when Cloe is out of the cage with her. She has to follow her and do everything right after her sister!



Clover (Cloe) - Ah yes. My little girl that started me off on this amazing path of companionship. She is about 4 years old now. She was purchased as a pair with her sweetheart Sky. Sky sadly departed this world early in a freak accident of human miss communication. =( She is completely hooked on millet and loves flying around to different perches throughout the house. She has a brilliant color of green and gold through most of her feathers, with her tail feathers blending in a lush and deep blue. She was always known to be sort of a clutz when flying but she recently has shown great improvement in her aerial prowess.


I hope you enjoyed reading these mini biographies. I also hope to see many of you around the forums as I try to fit into the community!


Post edited by: Moobu, at: 2009/08/29 22:01<br><br>Post edited by: Moobu, at: 2009/08/30 00:27

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Hello Brad and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Hannah and your flock.


What a wonderful introduction, you have a quite a family started and not even married yet;) and what a journey you will have and you have some nice companions.


It sounds like you have quite a handful of birds that must keep you and Hannah busy but very happy, I love to see couples who enjoy the same things and in this case your birds, I am sure they will bring you two much happiness in the coming years.


We do have loads of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of your flock you would share with us we would appreciate it, we have an other birds room where you can put the pics of your budgies and cockatiel.

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Welcome Brad, Hannah and flock!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


That was a wonderful and thorough introduction, of your entire flock and their history. I really enjoyed reading each members mini biography. :-)


Looking forward to hearing lots more and of course seeing photos and videos as the opportunity presents itself.


Karma to you for taking in these birds in need of a good loving home.

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