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microchipping vs tattoo


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Judge is 22 years old african grey and lives in Canada. To allow him to cross the border and become a "snowbird" going to Florida, Fish and Wildlife require a microchip, tattoo or leg band to obtain the required cities.

Anyone have any suggestion as to the best and safest procedure. Read that the needle for microchipping is big, legband they pick at them and tattoo I really don't know which part of his body they use.

Looking forward to some input

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I am personally a big advocate of the microchip...I've heard too many horror stories of birds getting injured due to the leg band. And if he's spent 22 years of his life with nothing on his leg he may fuss with it a lot if he gets one. Not heard of the tattoo though.


Have you spoken with a veterinarian about the pros/cons of each? Personally, at my next vet visit for our Chimay I plan to ask about and likely have the microchip done.

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Both Sterling and Dixie are chipped - and I have no clue where on their bodies they are, but our vet recommended it since they can't feel it after the minor swelling goes down, and it's easily done. The leg band could (minor possiblity) get caught on something either in the cage or outside which could injure them. Those are the words of my vet - Sterling came with a leg band, Dixie was already chipped.

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I would go with the microchipping as once is it done you can forget about it unless you need to identify your grey if it is lost and found. A band can be removed. I believe tatooing would be more painful and certainly take longer than mircochipping. That's my opinion anyway. Karma to you for having a 22-year old grey. What is his name? I would love to see a picture of your grey and hear more about him.

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I would say a legband would be the easiest safest way because it can't be a closed band at his age so once he gets their and finshed his Quarentined time you can easily have it remove and then keep it in a safe place should you ever need it again just a thought.

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Chikki was microchipped a few days back.. the vet kind injected the chip somewhere between the left leg and his body.. and he did tell me chikki will feel a discomfort for 2 hours.. and he was right.. chikki is a left legger and for those few hours after the microchipping he preferred his right leg.. but the next day he was fine..

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I didn't get Harvey chipped as I thought they had to undergo a general anaesthetic. Obviously not! I've noticed that his band is rubbing on his leg a bit now at the bend - and after recent discussions, we are going to get it removed. I am now going to get him chipped - now that I know no GA is involved.

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