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Well hello again :D


Thought I'd pop in and give you all an update on #2.. Chiku (african for Chatterer) came home last Saturday (22/Aug) and is a great little chap.. On the way home he was stretching his neck to see out the window, happy to see what was going on, played with his toy in his travel pack generally being calm and inquisitive. No growling, no fear behaviour or anything like that.


Got him home and got him settled - Echo was very wary of him. It has made me realise how highly strung Echo is. I've never had anything to compare her to before, so just though all greys were like that. Chiku just wants to be friends with everyone, including my parents, any visitors and Echo..


Well - 3 days in and they finally sat on the window swing together for all of 7 seconds, then Echo put her foot on Chiku's back and pushed him off. :whistle: and just now as I type this, they were sat on the settee together and Chiku went up to Echo wings all droopy making little panting noises.. He really wants to be friends.. They nibbled each others beaks a little bit, then Echo got a bit rough again so i split them up.. Chiku's making a real effort this morning to try bonding with Echo.. I just need to get Echo to trust.


So.. One day at a time - Heres Chiku.. and a few of Echo as well :D









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Sounds as though they might make friends, after only a few days that is pretty good going. Chiku has settled in well already.


Lol, It is funny when they use their feet on each other. Sometimes if Rangi gets a bit pushy with Kea she will give him a good push in the chest with her foot and give him a good swat in the head with her foot.

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Congrats on your new baby, regards Ecko, it's funny how they become wary as they get older. Beau has become more suspicious of new toys and anything new as he has become older.


I also notice Ecko has a mark on his beak similar to Beau's. Is this damage through play or is it just a normal occurance?


Great photos!

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Congrats Chris on your second grey and a greyt looking one at that, they may get along better as time goes by but be sure to continue to supervise any time they spend in close proximity to each other.


Thanks for sharing the pictures of your flock with us.

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Hi.. the mark just appeared one day.. it seems to have flaked a bit.. Vet's happy with Echo's diet as I was worried it might be calcium related.. She has Nutrobal suplement and has a varied diet.. So vet just reckons it's where it's grown or got knocked as she does play rough. Beaks tough as ever, she swings from it and gave me a bite yesterday when I pulled a feather for the DNA test, so beaks still strong!!! :lol:

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Chiku certainly does have beautiful feathers.. the shine on them is unreal.. I add RPO to her formula which helps keep the skin supple and the feathers in good condition :)




That lasted for 7 seconds, then echo pushed chiku off :lol: Chiku is closest the camera.<br><br>Post edited by: Titch, at: 2009/08/29 21:26

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Beautiful Baby's you have there don't you just love it when their feathers shine. It the one thing that visibly tells me that my birds are in healthy top notch condition. Make sure you keep a close eye on the interaction of your 2 Grey's the baby could get hurt very quickly. I have to watch Adaya all the time with Tyco most of the time Tyco is pretty good with her but if Tyco's had enough of her constantly bugging Tyco's patients goes out the window and many times I've had to get Adaya away from Tyco. I think Tyco knows thats the way to get rid of her quickly because she has never hurt Adaya its like when she turns into big bird and starts lunging she know I'll be there in a flash when I get there she just steps aside so I can take Adaya away for her.

Funny birds they sure know how to tell you what they want.:laugh:

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