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New Baby Growling?


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I purchased a CAG from a breeder in FL, and had it shipped to me today here in AK. I picked it up at the shipping place in the airport and when the employees brought the cage out the bird was growling quite loudly. It continued growling almost all the way home, but did stop when my wife talked to it and held the crate in her lap. I opened the crate and let the bird look around for a while, but whenever we approached it started growling again. I mixed up some formula, picked it up with a towel and fed it on my lap on the couch. It did not growl during any of that. After a little cuddling and snooping around the house we put it in the new cage with a towel, food, water, and a low perch in the bottom. It started growling again whenever we approached the cage or even looked at it for that matter. It has quited down considerably, but still growls when it sees us looking at it.

The bird is about 12 weeks, and still takes 2 handfeedings a day.


Is this growling normal after being shipped?

I have always purchased a bird locally before, and never had this type of experience. Is there anything I can do to relax the bird?



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Hello Elexin and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your Cag.


Poor thing is probably stressed out from the flight, no wonder he/she is growling. Let him/her settle down for a couple of days, keep your distance except for brief moment to fill water and food bowls and let this grey get used to the new surroundings.


Just picture this, this bird came from the only people it knew and was transported to the airport where it was jostled around in and out of airplanes with people looking in its cage and so forth, I think I might be growling too by the time I got to my destination.


Get as close as he/she will allow and talk softly and soothingly and soon he/she will calm down and get over this obviously traumatic experience but it will take time and some patience on your part.


I would love to see some pictures of this grey if you have some you would share with us and have you given it a name yet?

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Welcome elexin!!


It's GreYt having you here.


Judy gave good advice. The baby has been through a lot considering it's whole world was just turned upside down.


Just some time and patience for the baby Grey to settle down and get used to the new home and flock will put things right in order.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you have a chance. :-)

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Thanks for the reassurance that it was just travel. My wife and I did another feeding this morning, and the bird barely growled when I picked it up, and then quickly changed into sweet little coos as we fed it and let it cuddle with us. We tested out the water mister in order to wash the poo off from its bumpy ride here. It protested with some growling at first, but seemed to enjoy being bathed after it realized what was going on. Its sitting in my wifes arms right now under a towl half asleep.

I think this is going to be a very sweet bird once it has settled in a little more.

I will upload some pictures soon. We are thinking about calling it Smokey, but its not final yet.

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My baby TAG was also shipped to us from FL. He didn't growl until we got home and the dogs scared him. It took a couple days but he eventually acted like he had always been here.


I left him alone in his cage for the most part and talked to him alot. I kept his cage very close to the action in our home so he could see all that was going on and get comfortable with it from the safety of his cage. I am sure your baby will come around with patience.


Can't wait to see pics of your new baby.

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