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Darius's test results


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All Darius's tests for major illnesses came back Neg so he's not sick. But he has deficiencies in everything except calcium and its on the lower side of normal she said his blood count is so bad that if he even caught a slight bacterial infection he wouldn't be able to fight it. She wants me to keep him Quarantined for another 30 days and she has a special diet to help build him up quickly I have to pick it up at her office. After 30 days she want to retest to make sure he's got his levels up. She said he's very anemic. His blood count is way to low. I'm not looking forward to another 30 days of Quarantine having to shower and change my clothes at least 10 times a day isn't fun.

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What a poor bird. Why don't you add some spirulina to his food or feed directly? Spirulina is nutrients packed. Koko loves spirulina. I mix wheat grass, spirulina, stabilized rice bran and whey protein for Koko 2X a week. This is to ensure she is getting all the vitamins and minerals that needed for good health.

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Oh Pat how awful for both of you. I am confused. Is Darius the new Macaw you rescued and took to the vet and was very underweight or have I missed something. I thought that was Harley. I need to catch up. :)


I have not been on as much lately since the weaning this DYH is keeping me soooo busy.

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Well thats good news and bad news, good that Darius doesn't have any diseases but bad that he has to be quarantined another 30 days but it will be worth it when its over. You give him some extra cuddling and I send some hugs to you too Pat, hang in there for 30 days will pass very quickly.

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Well I am relieved Darius has no diseases. I know having him in quarantine a bit longer is a drag but if thats all it takes to get him on the right track along with the diet and all the tlc I know you are giving him it will be worth every second.I am asuming the quarantine is because him immune level is low and mixing with your other birds may be a bit of a stress on an already low immune system.Keep your chin up Pat 30 days will fly over.

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Its safer for him like the vet says if he gets sick he probuly won't be able to fight it. You just never know what your bringing home with you on your clothes I would really hate for him to get sick now. 30 days to keep the germs away from him is better than getting really sick

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