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My YCA is home :-)


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Hello All!


Well, I've been away for a while, but I wanted to make the official announcement about the new addition to our flock.


We'll get the DNA test in a week or so. I have an idea for a name but I'm keeping it to myself for a couple more days.... .


This is a Yellow Crowned Amazon, hatched in Greece on 18 April 2009. That makes him 4 months old and an Aries. He is very sweet although a bit reserved about being petted. Doesn't mind close body contact though.


Not clipped so being extra careful while he learns to control flight and only let him out of the cage when our two 4 month old kittens are locked in another room. They like to watch him as if he's a new TV show.


Prefers to step up on a stick rather than the hand. Doesn't feel secure on swings yet. Eating like a pig - any vegetable or fruit he can get his hands on, and his poop changes color accordingly.... The only thing rejected so far was a fresh fig.... wonder why?.....


When it's bed time and he gets on his highest branch to roost, he starts to softly whine like a puppy. Started spoon feeding him oatmeal with apple sauce in the evening, thinking it might soothe him. He LOVES it but still whines at bedtime... I tried to give him a stuffed animal tonight for company but it didn't impress him. Any ideas?


Cheers! :)Amazon_Day_4_011_small.jpg


Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/08/26 23:20<br><br>Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/08/26 23:21


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Glad to hear from you again Renate we have missed ya.


Congrats on your new member of the flock and a lovely looking one at that. Thats unusual about the whining at bedtime, must be a comfort thing and maybe he/she will outgrow it.


Thanks for sharing a picture of your new fid and anxious to hear what the name will be.

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Your baby is beautiful I have a YCA also and she is the most awesome bird I'm sure you are going to be so happy with your is he DNA tested or do you just call him he. Its really great to hear from you again don't forget to keep us updated on all the news. I'm so glad you finally have a beautiful companion to enjoy your time with.

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Char my YCA has weighed about the same ever since I've had her she's a big bird she weighs 425 gr just about the exact same weight as Adaya she weighs 429 gr Renate when are you going to tell us your babys name I can't wait to see some more pictures also he is such a pretty bird I just love Amazon's they are such awesome birds.

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Thanks all of you for your warm congratulations and encouragement! I think I want to name him/her B) Sunshine, because the color of his/her feathers reminds me of the color of leaves in the forest when the sun is shining through them.... I love that color..... and I guess I can call him "Sunny" for short. I know it's a common name for sun conures but that's the best I could think of so far - :P any suggestions??


I haven't got the DNA test back yet, but I should have the news some time next week. I sent the feathers to Germany, to the lab which my breeder uses.


My YCA is 4 months and 1 week old (or 17 weeks) and weighs 350 grams. I've only weighed him/her once so far, so I could be off by a bit. Anyhow, he/she was the biggest of the three I selected from.


I have to go now, but I will post more news and photos during the week. I would love to discuss more about their character traits with you guys - I have a lot to learn. They are different from greys! (2 positive things so far - he/she like to bath - yay!!!! and no bites at all so far!!!!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everyone!


Well I got the DNA results back! My YCA is a boy - yippee! After all that talk about which sex would be better as a companion, a boy ended up choosing me.... So maybe there is something to it? Anyhow I had already named him in the meantime. His name is Sunshine because the color of the green and the florescent glow of the feathers reminds me of the color of the leaves in the forest when the sunlight is shining through them....


He's a real sweetheart and he's growing more affectionate and bolder by the day.


I'm sending you some photos I took over the weekend. Sunshine LOVES his spray bath (he's an amazon, after all) and nowadays like to fly at the camera.... he did this twice, once while he was wet... :-) (that's my daughter) and once while on his new jungle gym hanging in the kitchen.


See how my cats, Simba and Selini, like to take their naps under the cage after a long hard day of bird watching...LOL (when they are not napping by the balcony on their throne....they are 5 months old now, one month older than Sunshine. They have calmed down quite a bit when it comes to their interest in the bird, but we still have a way to go....


Simba had to have a bath the other night because he decided to investigate our fireplace and be a chimney sweep...... yes it wasn't lit!


A big hug to everyone.




Hello I'm Sunshine!






Amazon Acrobat






Flying at the camera




Wet bird eating an okra




Wet bird flying at camera...




Selini and Simba on their throne.




Selini and Simba pooped after a day of bird watching.




Simba the chimney sweep. Chim chiminy chim chiminy chim chim chiree, a sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be...:woohoo:




Messy bird face...




Until next time, signing off... he says into the mike....


AmazonDay4011.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/09/09 09:58

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thanks a lot for the compliment. This is why I chose getting an amazon over another grey, although I miss my grey, because this breeder was in Greece. Therefore my little amazon is Greek-born and didn't have to go through any bad experiences like shipping and middle-men etc. He's had almost no human contact but the breeder so he came to me with a clean slate. He has no fear reactions and is very curious and friendly. Of course his health is excellent and he eats anything I give him - no bad habits like only wanting to eat sunflower seeds, etc. which is a problem I had with my Alex. That's all they gave him at the pet shop and he got used to it. Also, he's not clipped so he's getting to grow his self-confidence and flying skills as well. In a week or so I will start the harness training.


My breeder doesn't let any people or birds onto his farm and so far, through this, he has managed to keep disease out. When he buys a breeder bird, he keeps it quarentined for a year. I do hope he will eventually have some success breeding his greys. I'd still like to get one someday.




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I've been wondering how things where going with your new baby and I can see that everything is great your Amazon is absolutly gorgeous thank you for the update and I'm glad to see your having fun with your baby.

Here's a picture of my 12 year old YCA Fergie she's a very sweet wonderful bird I better not show her Sunshines picture or she will fall head over heals in love with him. The next thing she will be asking is which way do I fly to get to Greese LOL


DSC00467.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/10 07:16

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Great pictures Renate!! I love them all. I laughed at the one of Simba all dirty from the chimney haha they are probably always up to no good those little devils LOL! Sunshine is beautiful and has such bright colors. Thanks for sharing all these with us. Keep the updates coming. ;)

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