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Angel is eating finally...


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Finally with intense trying and trying angel finally had some formula via a tooth pick lol i have fed her twice and she seems fine.


Am i ok to keep feeding the formula via tooth pick until i gain her confidence or should i stop the formula now? she is fully weaned now.




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I personally don't have any experience with formula, Chimay came to us fully weaned and readily eating his veggies/fruit/pellets. And to everyone here, correct me if I'm wrong, I wouldn't think that there is anything wrong with continuing the toothpick formula method (is that new? Lol). But maybe while your giving her the formula, offer her something warm and mushy (i.e. sweet potato, bean mash, pellets soaked with warm water or low-sugar applejuice etc) in between the bites of formula. Alternate the two. As she gets more comfortable, she should be more willing to try new things. But if the formula is the only thing she'll accept right now, then your hands are sort of tied. Gotta keep the baby fed! :) Glad to hear she's at least accepting that from you. Keep us posted!


Patience and consistency is key...<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/08/26 22:11

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Thanks for the comments chimaysmommy.. The tooth pick is the only thing i thought of at the time and it seemed to work lol. all does seem well until the nephews n nieces come they can get noisey and i don't think she quite likes it she starts climbing the cage and jumping around i have to keep telling the kids to be quiet because i persume she gets frightened withall the noise.


I would honestley be lost without you guys many thnaks.





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Thats good news and probably helping to build the trust.


You might try spoon feeding the formula or other warmed up foods as others suggested, like baby food which comes in many veggie and fruit types.


You can even bend a spoon, if you wish, to make it resemble more of a funnel at the feeding end. But, you don't have to for them to just eat from it themselves.

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Enzo wrote:

all does seem well until the nephews n nieces come they can get noisey and i don't think she quite likes it she starts climbing the cage and jumping around i have to keep telling the kids to be quiet because i persume she gets frightened withall the noise.


Angel does get very frightened when small children come around, most greys even adult ones have a hard time dealing with visiting small children and you should keep them away from her cage to not stress her out so much, tell them firmly that they must respect your wishes.


Do you spend a good amount of time talking to her softly beside her cage? If not you should, tell her about your day, what you are doing and so forth, that will help her get used to you and starting on that trust that she must have for you to bond.


Give it some more time and be patient with her and soon you will be making more and more progress with her. Have you tried to get her to step up for you yet?

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