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Traveling and will probably have to leave Monk..


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Early next year myself, my hubby and kids will probably have to go to Europe for an extended period of time. A month or maybe more. When I got Pumpkin aka Monk I never thought anything like this would happen. This is job related, so its a must that we go, hubby owns the business and I am his employee, lol.


What can I do with her? I can't take her I don't believe.


Leave her with a vet or someone at my home? Has anyone else had to do this? Will she still like me when I come back?? :dry: We have taken 2 3 day trips and she does well with that, but a month makes me nervous.

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You can actually take Monk to Europe with you (I didn't check, I'm assuming you are American). You will have some hoops to jump through and it will be expensive, but you can take him and bring him back. My husband was offered a position over there and we have a strict "no man/bird left behind" policy. So, I did a lot of research into it. We decided not to accept the offer though (not because of the birds). If that isn't something that is financially viable or you are not comfortable putting Monk through those hoops for a month abroad (it would be stressful on a bird) then I would look into a friend or family member keeping him for that time. If you can't do that, a lot of rescues or bird sanctuaries have long term boarding and those will often take pictures and keep you updated via e-mail. A vet would be my very last choice as they have a lot of sick birds coming and going. I'm sure that Monk will remember you and love you. I think those options would be fine for Monk she will be no worse for the wear. You always hear how things should remain the same for greys, but they are very adaptable birds. She will be fine.

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You don't say where you are going in Europe but if it's the UK every bird has a quarantine period of 30 days - so there's your month gone!


If you have a family member to leave her with she'll be fine - I left Harvey with my parents for two weeks when we went on holiday and I was so worried about him - I needn't have been! When I came home he'd been well cared for and stuck to me for a couple of days on my return.


I wouldn't put Pumpkin through the ordeal of travel for the sake of a month. :)

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Ok, thanks. I believe we are going to Holland and we live in California. We will be traveling with a 1-2 month old baby and a 10 year old also. Taking the bird would be very hard on top of taking the kids. I may take her if we go for more than a month but we will see. I am just not sure I will be able to handle it all and get my work done.


Thanks! I am glad to hear she will remember me, lol.

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