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television problems


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ive had my grey for over a year now and he has developed a little habit of landing on my 32" lcd television and crapping all over it lol. i love him to bits but really dont want him to break that tv. does anyone have any tips to keep him off it for good? even when i am out of the room? thank you in advance

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The only thin that works to keep my grey from things I wish him to stay away from is to place a scary object close to the forbiden object.At the moment I have a pan sitting on top of the couch because charlie has taken to chewing it.

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Shelia is right, you will have to place something on top of the tv to scare him off of it, it could be a stuffed animal or anything that would sit on top, as he gets used to it then you might have to change it to something else from time to time but other than that you will have to just keep taking him off of it every time he goes there.

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We have to perch bright pink cushions on top of our lamp and doors in our conservatory!


This has worked for a bit - but unfortunately he's just taken to landing on them and chewing them (nothing is too scary for too long in Harvey's case).


Now those pans Sheila.....I hope they aren't teflon coated! ;)

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we have first hand Exp at this about the only thing i can really talk about with greys (new too Greys). We had (note i said HAD still sore over this)Nice new 50" plasma TV then while after Dusty got used to it. He started to land on it i thought OMG something Bad going to happen. The sure enough Fizz Bang. Now i dont blame Dusty(which the wife assures me it wasnt Dustys fault (joking)). We tried Toys things Dusty had never seen,these work for a short time. If you do this your Grey Will return to do what Greys Do Trust Me ive been there £1000 Tv. The only way i found is to scare them away now some people will say your been awful to your grey and your right,but i'm sure in the wild the leader of the flock isnt going to ask nicely Dont sit there. Now before we get all shirty and everyone starts Biting my head off, I LOVE MY DUSTY. I cant keep paying £1000 for a new Plasma TV every time birdie lands a pop there. Since the TV has been replaced i chased/scared off Dusty only a few Times. I'm not proud of this but its working and He has only landed on the TV once so far. Hope this helps<br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2009/08/26 22:33

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thanks for all the replies guys, i'll just leave my guitar behind the tv, hes petrified of that lol. i usually scare him away every time he does it because as you said jaguar the leader of the pack isnt going to be nice and pleasant to him lol. ok thanks everyone, i really appreciated it :)

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