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Finished handfeeding?


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Yoshi has been eating more and more of her own food each day for the week (almost) we have had her. Last night she still ate a fair amount of hand-fed food though, she is down to one hand feeding a day...


Thing is, today I tried feeding her, a little later than usual too, and she had like 3 bites and then would have nothing to do with it. I've seen her eat a lot today though, including little bits of human food, and has food in her cage...


Does this mean she is fed up with the hand-feeding? Should I try again tomorrow night and if she does the same stop it altogether?



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I've never hand fed a bird before but I would try her again tomorrow night and see if she refuses it, if she does then it sounds to me like she is weaned but some other members will be able to tell you more about it. You can also look around the nursery room for some threads that deal with this very subject.

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This means she is refusing it. Yes try again the next night and the night after that. If she keeps refusing less and less until there is no more she wants then she will be weaned. Make sure to weigh her to see if she loses any weight. Maybe try oatmeal as a comfort food after she stops the formula, some greys love it and some hate it.

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It sure sounds like Yoshi is well on her way to solid food. You don't mention how old she is which would be a good indicator.

You need to make sure she is weaning (likely) and not just getting picky about the food. Considering that she's eating a lot of human food, I'd guess it's weaning time.

Continue with the hand-feed attempts for a week. Have some regular food on hand to hand-treat Yoshi and get her used to taking food for later training.


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