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Are they starting to be playful and full of kisses and cuddles now. I know Darius can't get enough cuddles and love and he just loves to play. So these little one must be the same way execpt maybe they sleep more so you can get a break every once in a while. The little pteradactols looking ones are getting a little cuter now that their eyes are open. I want them all just stick them in a carry on bag and bring them up to my place will ya.:laugh: Macaws can take up to a year to wean in the wild so how old will these guys be when they go to there new homes. Are you going to keep any of them?

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Darius still like to lay in my arms and get lots of love and he's 5or6 yrs old thats when he's happiest he lays in my arms and looks up at me with a big macaw smile and the look of love and contentment all over his face I stick my knuckle in his beak and rub his face and tummy and he would stay like that all day long if I let him. They are cuddly like Cockatoos but can also entertain and play by themselves for long periods of time they are the perfect companion they are smart and cuddly but can also entertain himself when its required that he do so and as long as you supply them with lot of toys and things to do they are as happy as can be what else could you possibly want in a companion. ,

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