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Adaya has learned how to say Apple and its definatly getting extreamly annoying for the last 2 days all i've heard all day long is apple apple Apple APple APPLE APPLE APPLE APPLE APPLE APPLE don't get me wrong I'm very proud of her after all she's only 6 months old but does she have to say it so often. I guess she is really proud of herself as well.LOL

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When most greys learn a word or phrase, they will repeat it constantly for at least a couple of days. That applies to young as well as older greys. Eventually they slow it down and start reusing the other words they already know. It's best to use phrases instead of single words.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/08/26 01:53

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I did give her a piece of apple and another and another its not working but I'm very proud of her I think she's going to be saying lots of new things over the next little while you can almost make out a few other things but not quite perfect yet. She definitely wants to talk.

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Sounds like it's working to me Pat. Adaya is getting LOTS of Apple. ;-) :P


She is such a sweet heart. It is funny how they practice and say the same word(s)over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over over over and over over over over over over and over , whoops sorry, it must be catching. :-)

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