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There's so much debate, arguments concerning that subject but I will say one important thing as far as your decision---you need to wait quite a while until the bird builds up breast and wing muscles and learns how to fly with accuracy. That may take 6 to 8 mts. Too many birds have been clipped to young and have suffered physically and mentally from having it done early. As far as me, I'm totally against clipping but read up on all the topics here about clipping. It'll help you make up your mind.

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Yes please rethink the clipping of his wings as Dave is right about them suffering physically and mentally, your bird needs to learn how to fly, later if you decide you have to do it for whatever reason you can.


We do have many threads here on clipping versus not clipping, please read thru them before you make your decision.

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The choice to clip your bird is yours of course, but please read the many threads here on this subject. Some people wonder why their outgoing loving grey suddenly becomes grumpy and suspicious after it has been clipped. My grey was clipped by her breeder before she was mine and Ana Grey tries everyday to fly. It is heartbreaking to watch her try so hard to do something that she was meant to do and fail every time. Please research the pros and cons before you make such a decision.

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Natalia, Harvey is now 8 months old and is not clipped. I, like the others who've already posted, will never get Harvey clipped.


It is a pleasure to see him flying around the house. When you think he's going to crash into something, he puts the "brakes" on, swiftly turns and lands where safe.


Don't be worried - your CAG will learn. Jill x ;)

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I do not have my grey clipped or my tiel. I did have the tiel clipped last year as he insisted on going over to the grey and would have ended up Charlies lunch.The clip on the tiel was almost useless he is such a light bodied bird and could still fly very well .Both are fully flighted now and I hope to keep it that way. I will say though that clipping is your own decision but please make an informed decision based on the welfare of your grey.

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