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Guard Bird!


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Sunday morning Mom came over and as usual she walks in the back door unannounced. Well, that won't happen again! Dixie promptly responded to the closing of the door with "hello". I heard her, and I was in the kitchen, some 75 feet away! Mom, not at all startled since she loves Dixie and cares for her when I'm off with my son, promptly answered Hello Dixie, how are you? Dixie replied with "OK". None of this is really all that surprising - vocabulary wise, but the appropriate use of the words was wonderful to hear. To shock us all, when Mom was leaving, she stuck her head in my office to say goodbye to Dixie, and Dixie responded back "Bye, Bye, going home?"


After a brief conversation between Mom and Dixie, it became a quick realization that no one will ever be able to walk in that backdoor unannounced again, Dixie is forever on watch!

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My two both say hello when I come home and bye bye when I go out.They also say it to visitors,Cracker more so than Charlie where visitors are concerned. Cracker also hates the post man and goes balistic,screeching when he comes up the path.

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Oh my god, Robin - Dixie is such a clever birdie! I sit here reading posts like this and think I might've brought home a mute! I bet I'm the one who has the parrot that doesn't talk ever - even though everyone in the world's seems to!!


He's not even attempting to say hello - let alone introduce himself to any visitors!! ;)


PS. I'll still love him though!

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What an intelligent Grey Dixie is.


I love the conversation and correct context of the conversation.


Thanks for sharing this glimpse into Dixie's ever growing speech and learning abilities. :-)


Judy _ I can guess what Josey says when someone walks in "Annie, get your Gun!!". :P The Conure screams of the thought of the loud blasting about to take place..... "another one bites the dust". :-)

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