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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself and my little pet Ganzha. I had Ganzha for about 2 months now. I never had a bird pet before. I absolutely love it!!! I wish I could spend more time reading through the forum. I found a lot of useful information on this site. Thank you to everyone who shares their advice here. august2009_009.jpg


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Hello Natalia and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Ganzha.


That is an unusual name, I don't think I have ever heard it before, is it an african name and does it have a special meaning?


I hope you can find some time to read thru the many threads here for you will find lots of useful information but do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing a picture of your precious baby with us, he/she is adorable.

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Thank you to everyone for such a warm welcoming. I got my baby grey form the breeder in Miami, not that far from where we live. Ganzha -doesn't really mean anything. It was taken from a Russian old movie and was a human's nickname. :)

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Hi Natalia ... even someone who has been owned by a bird for years finds wonderful information (and friends) here. Also, each type of bird is different and there also seem to be variations within a kind like Greys. I'm still trying to get used to the intelligence of our Ziva. She cuddled yesterday when I got home for over an hour, making the soft noises of a baby Grey ... then played and flew for over an hour, not really wanting to be held. During that later play, she only wanted to be in the same room as us and to explore EVERYTHING :-) Later, she was quiet and was content sitting and chewing on some Swiss Chard. She is just like a toddler. I'm learning, never underestimate a Grey :)


Welcome! Enjoy the articles and advice ... and be sure to post photos of Ganzha.

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