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lump in the throat


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I don't know if I am just really paranoid about my bird or what. I spent $200 taking him to the vet a few weeks ago because his poop seemed a little runny. The vet checked him and did a gram stain and said his good bacteria is still a little low and gave me meds for that to give him. Now I noticed last night that he seems to have a little lump in his throat and maybe it is just his crop being a little full? I noticed it last night and he still seems to have a little lump in his throat unless he really stretches his neck. Does this seem normal to you guys?

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Did you ever notice the "Lump" before?


I would imagine you would have, the way we all carefully look our Greys over constantly. However, when the eat, their crop does extend out in a small to large lump depending on how much they ate.


Is it possible your Grey swallowed something like a small toy or something?

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I have never noticed it before but he usually does not like me to touch his throat area so I really felt it and not saw it. I am going to look through his cage and make sure nothing is missing. He is acting fine but they do until it is too late. The only other thing I have given him that he does not usually have is Pine Nuts. I tried them before and he threw them away well now he decided he loves them. Surely he did not eat any of the shell. I saw him breaking them open and spitting shell out lol

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""""He is acting fine but they do until it is too late.""""


Actually, that's not quite correct when the problem has anything to do with swallowing things that get stuck or obstruct the swallowing process. A bird will immediately go through the process of trying to get it up and it'll be extremely obvious. The movement won't look like regurgitation either. It will look like the bird has something stuck in the throat and will spend a lot of time getting it up or trying to swallow it down.

Most illnesses that are not noticible until it's too late are usually digestive problems and very loose stool and lack of eating which makes the bird act strangly and the bird becomes extremely quiet and stays in a corner and stops activity.

Low bacteria, high bacteria has nothing to do with what you're describing. Wanna get some good bacteria into your bird? Go and buy some flavored yogurt. All yogurt is loaded with good bacteria. Try out some different flavors.

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I looked through his cage and nothing at all is missing. He has not been doing that either Dave so maybe it is just normal. I have been more of a freak lately about any little thing because when he had loose stools a few weeks ago and I had to take him to the vet about that it scared me. So now I am noticing every little thing.


Casper I don't think you could even see it in a picture. I think it is probably nothing but if I still notice it later I will call the vet and see if I can just run him by to set my mind at ease. Thanks :)

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If your really worried instead of paying 60.00 or so make an appointment with your vet to get his nails trimmed that way you can ask her about it and if its nothing than it will only cost you 15.00 instead of 60.00 and if its something more serious you'll be glad you took him and asked about it.

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he is eating and drinking fine, acting cuddly and normal. I still think I am going to call and get him checked just for my peace of mind and great idea about just a nail clipping. I will spend the money for a full out appt if he needs it but I have spent over $600 with this vet since I got Shaka Zulu in April or May and he is healthy and not sick. He always sells me some vitamins and stuff everytime I am there lol He knows I love my bird and if he says he needs it I buy it.



I do think it is just the crop though, it is normal looking again.

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