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Lily Lost & How We Found Her


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If you lost your bird and you are looking for some quick advice please skip the story and check out the summary below.


First let me get this out of the way, I did something VERY STUPID. I took my little girl outside like I did in the past with flight feathers not fully grown in but partially. Usually everything is ok when this happens but the world is an unpredictable place and this time a loud car drove by and scared my little girl into flight.


At first I thought she would just land on the grass and everything would be fine but then I noticed she started to gain altitude. My little grey has never touched grass before and I assume landing on it was scary. Once I noticed she wasn't going to land any time soon I started running after her with my bare feet. I live in a partially wooded neighborhood and I am no stranger to running but Lily was out of sight in no time because she flew over some trees.


At this point I wasn't thinking straight and was hoping to God that I was just dreaming. Unfortunately that was not the case. I kept on running and running in the direction she flew certain I would never see her again.


My wife was with me at the time Lily flew off, she didn't run after her but kept an eye on her as long as she could, she had a better view than me because I was running down a hill and she had a higher elevation. By the way my wife is the Hero of this story, not me.


I continued to run in the general direction I saw my bird fly. I ran through neighbor’s yards jumping fences and ran through the woods all in my bare feet. I continued running around for about and hour looking for Lily in this manner. Later I found I assumed she went much farther than she did, in the end she only went about 75 yards.


While I was running around like a crazy person my wife kept it together and started calling friends and family over to start a search party. Lily took flight about 4:00pm and we searched until 9:00pm that night, not a sign of her. After about an hour of running around in bare feet my wife persuade me to come home and at least put some shoes on. Let me emphasize this point, IF YOU EVER LOOSE YOUR BIRD YOU AND YOUR BIRD ARE RELYING ON YOUR FEET. At this point my feet were full of cuts and blisters, when something happens to something you love in your mind you are superman you will take the pain because only one thing matters, the safe return of the one you love. Unfortunately none of us are supermen or women and in the next two days I regretted many time destroying my feet. I had to take several breaks because my body would not allow me to walk on my feet anymore.


At 9:00 the night we lost Lily we decided to break for the day because powerful thunderstorms swept through our area and rain soaked us. I was worn out at this point but my wife who looked for Lily in a more conservative manner had the strength so stay awake. I went to bed and my wife went to the computer to do some research. Over the next couple of hours she amassed the information that would eventually help us save our little girl.

I woke up the next morning at 6:00am (Near Sunrise) sore, cut, and bruised with no hoping of seeing my little girl again, although I knew I could not give up even if it took weeks and my wife felt the same way. Let me make this point now, if your bird flies away, it is not gone, it doesn’t magically disappear, even if it takes a long time one can eventually find the needle in the haystack. My wife and I didn’t sleep well that night both of us had dreams about finding Lily and we were both disappointed to wake up to the reality that our girl was gone.


I made it a point to say what time I woke up because although I am not the smartest tool in the shed I do know that birds are more active at sunset and sunrise. From the research my wife did we knew that Lily most likely was in a bush, on a roof, or in a tree. We knew that most likely we weren’t going to see her without her making a noise first and luckily I taught Lily a few calls that she would return. Keep in mind most likely your bird is scared and wants you to find it too so listen real hard because even after you hear your bird it is another chore to find it, they blend in better than you would think.


I started the morning by walking down the street in the direction she flew whistling. After about 60 yards I heard what sounded like a faint whistle. I didn’t know at that point if it was my bird or not but being so early in the morning it was quiet enough for me not only to hear such a faint whistle but get the general idea of where she was. I kept whistling, she kept whistling back and after five minutes I was sure the noise was coming from a small group of trees in a neighbor’s back yard although I didn’t spot her at this point. I made note of where the sound was and went back home to get my wife’s help to spot her (My wife’s cell phone was dead at this point; make sure to keep your phone charged!).


Once my wife and I were both back at the spot we heard Lily it took another 10 minutes to spot her. The trees were full of leaves and tall and it took a while to actually spot my little bird in the tree. Once we spotted her we put her perch 20 feet away from the tree but in Lily’s line of sight. I called to her and she eventually took flight heading right toward us, unfortunately Lily just started flying and at that point we realized she didn’t know how to descend. She flew right over our heads, over a house, and into another small wooded area. We kept sight of her as long as we could but didn’t see where she landed.


We ran into the woods and called her but no response. We later realized that even if Lily was right above our heads she wouldn’t call back right away after taking flight, she probably was scared. My wife, I, and a friend that just arrived began to look for Lily in the woods we saw her fly into. We started our search at the edge of the woods and continued towards the back without a peep from her. After an hour my wife started at the beginning of the woods again, 30 yards from the tree we saw her in before, and after 10 minutes of searching there Lily replied back to her. At this point we realized that Lily was not trying to get far away from us, she just landed in the most accessible near by tree. We were very exited to find her again and started making plans on how to get a bird who can only fly sideways out of a 30ft perch. We eventually decided on a ladder and as soon as we put the ladder against the tree Lilly flew away. We were completely surrounded by trees this time and could only get a general direction of where she flew.

We were very disappointed to loose her a second time but full of confidence that we could find her again since we found her twice before. This confidence wore off after 4 hours of looking without a peep. While I continued to look my wife followed some advice she found on the internet and constructed a flyer with Lily’s picture, a description of where we saw her last, and instructions of how to sight her and telling people not to try to capture her but just to call us if they see her. Also we offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to Lily’s safe capture. We made 20 laminated flyers which we stapled to telephone poles with our heavy duty stapler and we had 120 flyers which with the help of our friends disrupted to every house in a 2 mile radius of where we saw her.


At the end of the day several people tried to help us, several people called us, and we even had Lily’s food and toys on roofs of house which we thought were in the direction of where she flew. Unfortunately none of the tips helped us although one tip did lead us to the house of a person who had a loud Cockatoo but if I had to do it all over again I would say the flyer was a great idea. We actually got to meet several neighbors that we didn’t know and got the permission of several people to search in their yards. I had to take several breaks over the day because my feet were getting worse and worse even with 3 layers of socks on each foot but my wife with her good feet was able to look even when I had to take breaks. We kept on extending our range and actually passed by the spot where we would eventually find Lily, about another 100 yards of where we saw her last. When you search for a parrot sometimes they may get scared and not return calls, always make sure to revisit the same areas.


We searched all day but for some reason Lily wouldn’t return calls, we feared we lost her for good but we weren’t going to quit. We went home to sleep another night without our little girl in our house.


The next morning we woke up at 5:45. My wife and I split up only one of us calling her while the other one whistled but we stayed close enough to each other so we could hear each other. After 30 minutes of looking without any calls we got very disappointed because we knew morning was the best time to hear her. Then it happened I heard a faint sound coming from a tree that sounded like Lily. I called my wife with the cell phone and we eventually spotted her in a maple tree on a branch that was about twenty feet off the ground.


After not seeing her for almost 24 hours and as she got steadily farther away from our house we weren’t going to blow it this time. We took our time, were very calm, and called my brother over for help. We set him up as a spotter and his only job was to try to see where Lily flew if she chose to fly again. We brought the perch over and placed it so if she flew towards it and went over it she would still go in the direction of our house. Also we placed it so a tree on higher elevation was between her and the perch so although she didn’t know how to descend if she landed in the tree she would be closer to the ground. After everything was set up I called Lily she flew into the lower tree and I was able to grab her off the brand she landed on which was close to the ground. I clutched her close to me and in absolute ecstasy and disbelief that she was in my arms. I walked her home with my wife and brother.

While writing this story I just got a call from my wife who took Lily to the avian vet, she is in good condition for a bird that has been lost for two days and the doctor just recommends we take it easy with her. We also got her wings clipped because my wife and I never want to go through that again. Also I will never take her outside without a leash again because even a birds whose wings are clipped can catch a good breeze and fly away.


My Advice of What To Do if Your Bird Flies Away:


1. If you are with someone have one person try to see where the bird flew, the other can chase them but keep in mind to keep your body in good condition and once the bird is out of sight for a while return home to get the proper foot gear and clothing for a day on your feet.

2. If you are alone don’t run after your bird, focus on where the bird is flying, keep your bird in sight for as long as possible, if you are lucky you might even see where it lands. If you don’t know your area well go to www.bing.com/maps There is an option on that site which is called “bird’s eye view” available in most areas. This is better than satellite pictures because they use a helicopter to take the pictures. If you know which direction your bird flew it is very useful to have images from the sky to guess where your bird may be.

3. Never give up on finding your bird. A patient person can find a needle in a haystack.

4. If you can search only certain times make sure it is sun up and down in our case Lily was most vocal at sun up.

5. Start your search close to where the bird flew away, often the bird will look for the closest most convenient spot for it to land. When making your search area larger always make sure to do a sweep by spots you already looked, you could of missed your bird the first time you went by or your bird could have missed you.

6. Listen carefully for your bird. Often you will hear your bird long before you see it, if you see it at all. If you know a call that your bird will respond to keep repeating that call until your hear your bird.

7. Talk to your neighbors, if they don’t seem like they want to look for the bird at least ask them if you could go on their property to look.

8. Print flyers, offer a reward, but make sure to tell people not to approach the bird, just give you a call.

9. Once you find your bird don’t get too excited, talk to your bird, keep it calm, and try to get it to fly to you if it is out of reach. Trying to get the bird off a tree for example can scare the bird and cause it to fly away. Bring your birds perch or cage, food, water, and try to get the bird to come for you.

10. If you bird does not know how to fly down try to position yourself so that if the bird does fly towards you it flies towards you in a favorable direction. Preferably towards a higher elevation or at least closer to your house or a roof top.

11. Ask neighbors if you can put toys or food on top of their roofs to attract your bird but instruct them not to approach the bird if they see it, just to call you. Also if they do see it ask them to keep an eye on it so if it flies away you can at least see where it flew.

12. Good communication is a must, if you don’t have a cell phone borrow one, if you spot your bird get someone to help you without leaving your bird

13. After you find your bird set up a spotter, someone whose only job is to see where your bird goes if it gets spooked and chooses to fly.

14. Search the internet for useful advice, I am sure someone in this forum could add more to what I wrote.

15. I am putting this on the list twice because it is the most important point, never give up.



Preventative Steps:

1. Never take your flighted bird outside without the proper training.

2. Clip your bird’s wings if you don’t plan on giving the bird the proper flight training.

3. Teach your bird a loud call that it will respond to.

4. Never think it won’t happen to you, always be cautious, the world is a complex place.


Post edited by: Quickdood, at: 2009/08/25 18:36


Post edited by: Quickdood, at: 2009/08/25 20:27<br><br>Post edited by: Quickdood, at: 2009/08/25 21:14

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I am so glad you got your bird back. Nevertheless I think it is a mistake to clip her wings. Several times you say that one of the problems in getting her back was because she could not fly down. That is typical of clipped birds. Had she been fully flighted (remember she is a bird !) she would have been able to fly down to you.

Also you would have been much less likely to put her in a position where she could take fright and take off.

Clipping is bad for your bird. There are better solutions than mutilation.


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/08/25 19:58

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Mistyparrot wrote:

I am so glad you got your bird back. Nevertheless I think it is a mistake to clip her wings. Several times you say that one of the problems in getting her back was because she could not fly down. That is typical of clipped birds. Had she been fully flighted (remember she is a bird !) she would have been able to fly down to you.

Also you would have been much less likely to put her in a position where she could take fright and take off.

Clipping is bad for your bird. There are better solutions than mutilation.


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/08/25 19:58


You have a valid point but my feelings are that if you have time to train your parrot to come to you on command then one should have a flighted bird. If you don't have the time or space then it may be better to keep a bird clipped. I may choose to let her flight feathers grow out in the future but I will also make sure I have plenty of time to teach her to come to me on command. Training is important but at this point with the 4-5 hours I spend with her a day I just like to cuddle or have her on my shoulder teaching her speech. The day I lost Lily there was no wind, if she were clipped then she wouldn't have gotten nearly as far and her not knowing how to descend would not have been a factor because she wouldn't make it into a tree.

But I do see your point and would have made a similar argument before Sunday because I too wanted a flighted bird. I just think I was irresponsible to have a flighted bird without teaching the necessary commands.

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Sorry to hear of the fly away and happy to hear of the retrieval!! :-)


One thought, if your bird had been flighted and fully fledged, flying down to you would not have been a problem. :-)


It will take you a while to mentally deal with this though. I know, been there and done that 2X. Both my birds are now fully flighted. :-)

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Oh I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that Lily is safe and sound after such an ordeal...Kudos to your wife for keeping her cool and to BOTH of you for your greYt teamwork! I hope your feet are feeling better! :) Your lily is a beautiful grey and thank you very much for all of the very sound advice you gave on this post.

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chimaysmommy wrote:

Oh I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that Lily is safe and sound after such an ordeal...Kudos to your wife for keeping her cool and to BOTH of you for your greYt teamwork! I hope your feet are feeling better! :) Your lily is a beautiful grey and thank you very much for all of the very sound advice you gave on this post.


Lily thanks you for your compliment and thanks for your concern about my poor feet, they will heal just fine, it just may take a few days.:)

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I know how I would be if I lost Harvey - your description would have been me too. Your story gives hope to those of us who lose concentration for one moment to enable our babies to escape.


I'm forever thinking of ways that I can make our home "parrot proof", but short of boarding up the windows and doors it will never be 100% safe.


I'm so glad Lily is home and that the vet has given her a clean bill of health. :)

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I am so glad to hear that Lily is safe at home now, and I feel terrible for the ordeal you and your wife went through. I could not begin to understand the feelings you must have been feeling. It is for this very reason that on Saturday I purchased two harnesses for my birds.


Quite often I take them across the backyard to visit my parents and both have long clips, with the hope of their flight feathers growing in completely. The recent flurry of birds who have been lost is what drove me to the purchase.


It has only been three days, but with intense work and training, I have been able to put Sterling's (U2) aviator on him and he is fine. Dixie (CAG) is a different story, but she's a totally different personality and bird.


Your terrible story is a reminder to all of us, take the time to do the training or make sure they are safe. The consequences are unthinkable and you have had to live through the tragedy, fortunately with a good outcome.


I hope your feet heal quickly and Lily doesn't have any long term ill effects. God bless you for sharing with us.

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Thanks everyone for all your kind comments. As I type Lily is happy and talkative on my shoulder. One thing I do notice is whenever she hears a blue jay call outside she shivers, those birds can be mean and may have given her a hard time but as far as the vet and I can see she has no physical damage.



Greg<br><br>Post edited by: Quickdood, at: 2009/08/26 00:56

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Thank you Greg for sharing Lily's story with us. This is my biggest fear that my Ana Grey will take flight. She is so fearless acting but a softy at heart and so spoiled. Karma to you for posting this very informative thread. I am so glad Lily is home safely once again. Hope your feet are feeling better. Don't forget what a great calm and reassuring wife you have, you lucky guy. Where are you taking her for the well deserved dinner???? :)

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luvparrots wrote:

Thank you Greg for sharing Lily's story with us. This is my biggest fear that my Ana Grey will take flight. She is so fearless acting but a softy at heart and so spoiled. Karma to you for posting this very informative thread. I am so glad Lily is home safely once again. Hope your feet are feeling better. Don't forget what a great calm and reassuring wife you have, you lucky guy. Where are you taking her for the well deserved dinner???? :)


You make a good point, she is definitely getting wined and dined this Friday!

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