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My new African Grey Parrot is scared !


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Good to hear from you! It sounds like you have built a good relationship with your grey. As to the others in the house, greys seem to like who they are going to like, period. I wonder though if the others in the family have tried to build a relationship with him? Not trying to touch, but just sitting quietly by the cage and talking to him etc.?

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Congratulations on your progress, you have been so patient with him. Is it Motu? We have had Miss Gilbert for much longer and she is not ready to climb up my arm or onto my shoulder still. It could be that she doesn't have good balance but she doesn't want anyone that close even still. It makes me happy that you have learned so much and that Motu is feeling safe with you. Kudos to you for all the hard work. Thanks for coming back and letting us know how it is going.

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Wow! That's great! I am 3 days into my new African Grey adventure. I am rehoming a 15 year old. I was bitten twice on the first day because I wanted her to step up. I learned to back off. Now I am practicing patience. My Morgan is a good girl, she's friendly, talks a lot, and loves to be around everyone in the family, even the dogs. She just doesn't want to step up or be touched yet. Your story gives me hope that with time and patience she will come around. Congratulations and Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for posting those two videos. That is a testament to faith, patience and building trust. Well done. It is heartwarming to see the bond that can be formed even when we often get so discouraged in the beginning with a rehomed grey. Wonderful update. Thanks again.

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Yes what a difference a year can make and it shows, we have always preached taking your time and using much patience when dealing with greys especially rehomed ones, a relationship cannot be rushed for to get them to trust us it takes hours, days, weeks, months and sometimes even years to gain that trust but its worth it as you now know. Does the rest of the family have any interest in becoming friends with Motu? They should stay a distance away so he does not growl and talk to him, maybe offer him a treat, he may never come to allow them to touch him but they can still interact with him and maybe one day he won't be growling at them either. Greys do tend to pick favorites, my grey prefers me but she is allowing my hubby to interact more with her than she used to, it just takes time and the important thing is not to force themselves on him, let him come to them in his own time on his terms.

One thing I want to mention is the cage he is in seems small to me, too small for a Cag, it would be so much better for him if he had a bigger cage that he could open his wings and flap without touching the sides, its important they have enough room to play and reside in when they do spend time in them.

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I got him a bigger cage just a week after the video. As usual he was very apprehensive to get into the new cage. But I played around with him for a few hours and he climbed up my hand. Then while talking to him I slowly slid my arm inside the new cage and he climbed off. He was still scared, but after and hour he was busy exploring it. :P


He is a phobic bird and whenever I get him a toy, he is scared of it at first. But after a few days he is alright with it and tears it apart.


The rest of the family.. what can I say. Since he isn't on friendly terms with them and only with me; they tend to avoid him. Except my mom. She talks to him a lot, but he will never see her face to face. If she so much as even looks at him, he gets really nervous and starts calling for me. I think I may have unintentionally developed a behavioral problem in him. Because as soon as he hears me or sees me he wants my attention. Wants to be let out and come onto my shoulders or atleast play with him. My brother says he is fine when I am not around. Have to figure that out. I have also noticed he tends to tolerate men more than women. Women he can't tolerate at all. Dunno why. Mom says he must be gay. lol.


However even with all that it's very rare to hear him growl anymore. He has become more tolerant of others, just not as much as with me. I can pretty much do whatever I want to him. I had hoped that he'd become more friendly with everyone else, because the more friendlier the bird the more people want to take care of it. It would play out in his favor. For example I am having a dilemma these days, I am to get to a wedding this winter and will be out for 3 weeks. Everyone's going. So I need to give him to someone to take care of him for that duration. But its gonna be tough on someone and him ofcourse. He doesn't take well to change at all. If he was friendly and out going many people would jump at the opportunity. But since everyone knows he's phobic, not many are willing to handle him. :( I have some friends who can keep him.


Yes what a difference a year can make and it shows, we have always preached taking your time and using much patience when dealing with greys especially rehomed ones, a relationship cannot be rushed for to get them to trust us it takes hours, days, weeks, months and sometimes even years to gain that trust but its worth it as you now know. Does the rest of the family have any interest in becoming friends with Motu? They should stay a distance away so he does not growl and talk to him, maybe offer him a treat, he may never come to allow them to touch him but they can still interact with him and maybe one day he won't be growling at them either. Greys do tend to pick favorites, my grey prefers me but she is allowing my hubby to interact more with her than she used to, it just takes time and the important thing is not to force themselves on him, let him come to them in his own time on his terms.

One thing I want to mention is the cage he is in seems small to me, too small for a Cag, it would be so much better for him if he had a bigger cage that he could open his wings and flap without touching the sides, its important they have enough room to play and reside in when they do spend time in them.

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I wouldn't think you developed a behavioral problem with Motu, it is their nature to choose one special person. He is wise enough to know when you are not at home and that his efforts in getting your attention are lost so he may be reticent to draw attention from the people with whom he has not built trust. You have been the one motivated to win him over and give him the chance to create a bond. We have had to leave Gilbert with a sitter and it helped a lot to have someone come in to our home where everything else was familiar at least. Also, since it was a neighbor and she knew how long it has taken for Gilbert to accept me, she was not offended by the suspicion with which she was viewed. If you have a friend willing to come in, or if you have to take him out, maybe you could take him for an overnight, come back for him and do that again just so he gets the message that you can leave and come back. Maybe then the three weeks wouldn't be quiet so unbearable to him if he has a history with you to compare that it will be okay.

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It's so wonderful to see how you and Motu have progressed together. It is such a testament to your patience, your fortitude, and your refusal to give up. Sometimes, as you've seen, we have to push just a bit in order to help them overcome their fears, and thus their aggression. It takes a keen sense of being able to read their cues to know when those little pushes will result in some corrective emotional experiences. If rushed or pushed in too bold or harsh of a way, as you know, the effect can be deleterious. It is no surprise that your companion is turning into such a sweetheart with you.

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